March 2020 Agenda
Parish councillors are hereby summoned to attend the following Parish Council meeting to be held on Thursday 19 March 2020 at 7pm in Methodist Chapel
County and District Councillors, the press and Dorrington electors are cordially invited to attend.
Public forum: County and District Councillors update.
PCSO report
1. Chairperson's welcome
2. Apologies and reasons for absence
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items
4. Notes of previo us meeting held on 13 January 2020 to be approved as minutes
5. Planning:
- 19/1590/FUL Kirk House decision
- 20/0137/HOUS
- 98 Main St
6. Finance:
- report as circulated
- chapel rental and
- Open Plan Consultants and approval
7. Regeneration of pl ay areas playground equipment monthly inspections by parish council
8. Neighbourhood Plan progress report
9. Co option of new parish councillors
10. Parish Council representative on Dorrington Welfare Charity committee (AY)
11. Playgarth tree maintenance
12. Grass cutting current contract and quotation
13. Water on highway at Kirk House
14. Ownership of medieval cross (BD)
15. Telephone Box painting update
16. Parish Council website report on migration to new platform
17. Correspondence ( not on agenda)
NKDC Electoral Reform, Police and Crime Commissioner forum at Metheringham, Glendale cutting of LCC Verges . Calor Gas Rural Community Fund, Community Heartbeat coronavirus.
18. Items for next agenda
19. To resolve to move into confidential session
20. Confidential notes
21. Date and time of next meeting (Annual Meeting Of The Parish and Annual Parish Council Meeting April 2020