January 2021 Agenda

Dorrington Parish Council – Notice of Meeting


Parish councillors are hereby summoned to attend the following virtual Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 11 January 2021 at 7pm via Zoom


County and District Councillors, the press and Dorrington electors are cordially invited join the meeting via Zoom. Please contact the clerk on Dorrington.pc@btinternet.com for ID and password.


Public forum: County Councillor, District Councillors and PCSO updates.


Parish Council Meeting


  1. Chairperson's welcome
  2. Apologies and reasons for absence
  3. Declarations of interest in agenda items
  4. Notes of previous meeting held on 7 December 2020 to be approved as minutes, to be signed at a later date
  5. Planning:         20/1749/HOUS – replacement garage 90BMain St
  6. Finance: budget/precept 2021/2
  7. Regeneration of play areas – playground equipment monthly inspections by parish council
  8. Co-option of new parish councillors
  9. Telephone box – defibrillator signs (BD)
  10. Highway issues – Fen Road, review by Cllr Kendrick plus maintenance programme, site meeting with Highway Agency
  11. Cycle path to Ruskington
  12. Website design honorarium – response from LALC
  13. Naming 1-4 Playgarth – response from NKDC
  14. Correspondence (not on agenda)
  15. Items for next agenda
  16. To resolve to move into confidential session
  17. Confidential notes
  18. Date and time of next meeting - March


