September 2019 Agenda
Parish councillors are hereby summoned to attend the following Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 30 September 2019 at 7pm in Methodist Chapel
County and District Councillors, the press and Dorrington electors are cordially invited to attend.
Public forum: County and District Councillors update.
PCSO report
1. Chairperson's welcome
2. Apologies and reasons for absence
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items
4. Notes of previous meetings held on 22 July 2019 and Annual meetings held on 8 May to be approved as minutes
5. Planning:
19/0872 - 46 Main St decision notice
6. Finance:
report as circulated
grant to PCC for grass cutting chapel rental payments approval completion of bank mandate
7. Regeneration of play areas – playground equipment monthly inspections by parish council
replacement litter bin power washing
8. Neighbourhoood Plan – progress report
9. ROSPa report - discuss
10. Defibrilator – weekly reports
11. Co-option of new parish councillors – response to posters
12. Road Surfaces – response from Cllr Kendrick (LCC)
13. Flower on verges – to discuss purchase and siting location
14. Traffic calming signs – to discuss purchase and distribution of 30mph wheelie bin signs
15. Dog fouling signs
16. Parish tree inspection – to approve NKDC inspection
17. Grass cutting – to discuss amenity area adjacent water feature (Village Green) current contract (RY)
18. Correspondence (not on agenda) LCC Highways contract, LALC Annual Report
19. Items for next agenda
20. To resolve to move into confidential session
21. Confidential notes – painting telephone box quote
22. Date and time of next meeting – November 2019