January 2020 Agenda


Parish councillors are hereby summoned to attend the following Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 13 January 2020 at 7pm in Methodist Chapel

County and District Councillors, the press and Dorrington electors are cordially invited to attend.

Public forum: County and District Councillors update.

PCSO report

1. Chairperson's welcome

2. Apologies and reasons for absence

3. Declarations of interest in agenda items

4. Notes of previo us meeting held on 18 November 2019 to be approved as minutes

5. Planning: 19/1590/FUL Kirk House

6. Finance:

  • report as circulated
  • chapel rental and clerk’s expenses approval
  • budget and precept for 2020/1

7. Regeneration of play areas

  • playground equipment monthly inspections by parish council
  • replacement litter bin
  • power washing

8. Neighbourhood Plan progress report

9. Co option of new parish councillors

10. Replace bench near Musicians’ Arms

11. Parish Council representative on Dorrington Welfare Charity committee

12. Playgarth

  • discuss maintenance of dyke
  • tree maintenance
  • hedge planting

13. Grass cutting to discuss amenity area adjacent water feature (Village Green) current contract and likely quotation options

14. Cleaning of road gullies

15. Correspondence (not on agenda)

LCC verge maintenance, NKDC grass cutting, LALC cluster meetings, NKDC Local Plan, Environment Agency incident report, Community Lincs : Good Neighbour Scheme

16. Items for next agenda

17. To resolve to move into confidential sessi on

18. Confidential notes

19. Date and time of next meeting March 2020


