January 2025 Minutes

Monday 6 January 2025
Present; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Unwin, Hayes, Newton, Bell and Darby
Cllr Kendrick LCC
In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Office
Public Forum:  Cllr Kendrick reported on flood of 60 properties in the county. Section 19 report completed covering 1000 properties. Artwork competition. 
1. Chairperson's welcome: 089/24 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 090/24:  None
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 091/24: None
4. Notes of previous meeting held on 4 November 2024: 092/24:   These were proposed by SU and seconded by PB that the notes be accepted as a true record. Signed by the Chairman.
5. Planning: 093/24: - 
Report by chair of planning subcommittee
A draft for the term of reference of the planning subcommittee has been circulated prior to meeting. It was agreed to adopt these.
Planning applications and decision received were:
24/1289/TPO - 77 Sleaford Road trees
23/1263/FUL - Kirk House fence
Both the above have been appraised by planning subcommittee resulting in no comments which have been submitted to planning authority
23/0492/VARCON – Cllr Bailey offered to research. In her absence this was deferred.
           Clerk to book LALC training on planning procedure for SU.
6. Finance: 094/24:    The Clerk had circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting
Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:
Bank charges £      13.20
Clerk’s expenses £     107.52
Tree inspection                 £      48.00     
Rent                            £      25.00
Litter bin                      £     230.14
Grass cutting         £     514.30
Since last meeting the following amounts have been received:
Interest          £     45.99
    The Bank Balance is currently £18271.24 after unpresented cheques cleared.
I t was agreed that following accounts be paid.
Hall rental                     £   25.00
Clerk’s expenses     £  110.32
LALC fees     £  163.20
The clerks informed the meeting of the draft budget for 2025/6 he had produced which was agreed. Accordingly, it was agreed that the precept for the next year would be £7350.00.
During a problem with banking the clerk had visited HSBC in Lincoln to resolve and whilst there had succeeded in relaunching application for on-line banking. It just needs authorisation of clerk’s and one signature to complete. Although at a previous meeting it was decided not to pursue this however an opportunity had presented itself. Agreed to progress and clerk and chairman to met outside meeting to finish application.
7. Regeneration of play areas: 095/24: – Playground equipment monthly inspection to be carried out by TN.
Story corner has been completed by BD. PD has supplied a sign to fix to one of the posts and it has been erected by BD. 
Outdoor exercise equipment grants response outstanding with closing date 31.12.24. PD has chased public responses and collate and submitted them. Awaiting reply from grant body
  The removal of two pieces of wooden equipment is outstanding.
Damage had occurred to the fencing around Tom’s Garden. Clerk to contact Malcfirth.Landscapes.
A tree had recently fallen on the area and removal was conducted by BD
8. Highway Issues: 096/24 – Potholes on Fen Road and Playgarth was mentioned to Cllr Kendrick
9. Vacancy: 097/24 – The closing date for applications has passed and no volunteers have come forward. The council will endeavour to fill the vacancy. PB has inserted it on Facebook without any respond. He will repost.
10. Freedom Of Information request: 098/24: - A request had been received concerning any interaction the parish council have had with Stream Bioenergy. It was agreed there had been none and the clerk would respond accordingly.
11. Royal Mail service: 099/24: - It was felt there had been a decline in the level of domestic service from the postal service. PD to contact Head Officer of Royal Mail.
12. Play area subcommittee: 100/24: - The formation of a play area sub-committee was discussed. Comprising of PB, TN and PB. Clerk to find some terms of reference.
13. Renumbering Allotments: 101/24: - Presently the allotments are numbered 1. 2. 3 and 4 although allotments 1 and 4 are united and it was thought would be more appropriate to number this plot 1. Clerk to inform allotment holder
14. Advisory sign on Playgarth: 102/24: - Clerk to source sign
15. Litter Bin at Waverley: 103/24: - BD suggested placing the bin 4 feet from the highway verge. Agree
16. Waverley Boundary: 104/24 – The council considered the land registry maps and the boundaries shown. Proposed by PD and seconded by PB to engage a land surveyor to look at boundary. Agreed by all. Clerk to action.
17. Operation Bridge: 105/24 – As previously circulated it is necessary for the parish council to adopt the required protocol in the event of the death of the monarch. This was agreed.
18. Dog Attack: 106/24 – There has recently been attack by dogs on other dogs and individuals on public footpaths and the parish council have received 3 letters noting their concerns. It was agreed that this is a matter for the police.
19. Bus Shelter: 107/24 – There has been a repeat request for a bus shelter on the Lincoln side of B1188. The last time this was considered it was noted that there may be problems with underground services. The new shelter if erected would be on the highway verge and an initial response had been made to the county councillor for due consideration before any plans can be formulated. Cllr Kendrick asked for a prompt from parish council so he can investigate progress.
20. Carting Of Chicken Excrement: 108/24 – It was agreed that this need be addressed when it occurs. It is either the responsibility of environmental health or the police.
21. Correspondence: 109/24: - Councillor training JH induction training. To be booked by clerk.
22. Items for next agenda: 110/24: Allotment fees, Footpath signage on Ruskington Spires and Steeples path. 20 mph speed limit. Dog excrement.
23. To resolve to move into confidential session: 101/24:  None
24. Confidential notes 102/24: None
25. Date and time of next meeting: 103/24: 3 March 2025.
 There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21.10.