Draft March minutes 2025
Monday 3 March 2025
Present; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Unwin, Hayes, Newton, and Darby
In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Office
Public Forum: None present
1. Chairperson's welcome: 104/24: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 105/24: Cllr Bell due to ill health which was accepted by meeting.
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 106/24: TN declared an interest in agenda item 20.
4. Notes of previous meeting held on 6 January 2025: 107/24: These were proposed by JH and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record. Signed by the Chairman.
5. Planning: 108/24: -
Report by chair of planning committee.
Planning applications and decision received were:
23/1263/FUL - Kirk House fence decision notice
23/1416/FUL Fen Road appeal
23/0492/VARCON – Cllr Bailey offered to research. In her absence this was deferred.
6. Finance: 1098/24: The Clerk had circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting
Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:
Bank charges £ 12.20
Clerk’s expenses £ 110.32
Ledger £ 35.99
Rent £ 25.00
Clerk’s salary £ 437.60
HMRC £ 109.60
LALC membership £ 163.20
Since last meeting the following amounts have been received:
The Bank Balance is currently £17888.63 after unpresented cheques cleared.
It was agreed that following accounts be paid.
Hall rental £ 30.00
LALC training £ 18.00
The clerks informed the meeting that the chapel had increased rent to £30 per session.
The application for on-line banking was progressing and the clerk and chairman had visited HSBC Lincoln branch to complete the forms. It transpires that HSBC no longer issue card readers. However, it was felt inappropriate to use the app on the clerk’s personal iphone. Alternative solutions would be sought ie app on laptop or purchasing a parish council mobile phone, In the interim the present method would continue.
7. Regeneration of play areas: 110/24: – Playground equipment monthly inspection to be carried out by TN.
Story corner needs further attention from BD
The removal of two pieces of wooden equipment is outstanding.
Damage had occurred to the fencing around Tom’s Garden. Clerk has contact Malcfirth.Landscapes and they are investigating.
8. Highway Issues: 111/24: - Pot holes on Playgarth. Fixmystreet to be used by JH
9. Vacancy: 112/24 – The closing date for applications has passed and no volunteers have come forward. The council will endeavour to fill the vacancy. There has been some interest shown but no application has been received by clerk. BD to talk to individual again.
10. Speed limit on Main St: 113/24: - The reduction to 20 mph speed limit was discussed. Deferred pending advise from Cllr Kendrick.
11. Royal Mail service: 114/24: - PD has contacted Head Officer of Royal Mail. This is an acknowledged problem nationally which Royal Mail need to address.
12. Play area subcommittee: 115/24: - The clerk had circulated draft terms of reference. These were accepted. Committee comprises of PB, TN and PB.
13. Allotment fees: 116/24: - Allotment rents for 2025 were discussed. The allotment for plot 3 will be £10.00 in line with other allotments. It was agreed that from 2026 the annual allotment fee will be £20. Clerk to notify holders.
14. Grass cutting contract renewal: 117/24: - The current contract is with Malcfirth Landscapes. TN to contact Tim Pell for a quote.
15. Advisory sign on Playgarth: 118/24: - Sign received and in place.
16. Litter Bin at Waver: 119/24: - Bin in place and key needs forwarding to NKDC environmental services.
17. Waver Boundary: 120/24 – The clerk had contacted a local land agent and forwarded his details to BD to enable a discussion to take place. This has been resolved that the boundary is as per land registry map. Clerk to contact Land Registry to express an interest in the Waver becoming a village asset.
18. Footpath signage: 121/24 – The signage on the gates etc of the Dorrington Spires and Steeples footpath towards Ruskington are confusing and conflicting. Clerk to submit Fixmystreet.
19. Dog excrement: 122/24 – NKDC environmental services officer has visited the areas of concern and will monitor and take remedial action if culprits are identified. Some advisory signs have been given and will be erected in appropriate locations.
20. Spires and steeples marathon: 123/24 – Jim’s Gym and Studio, Sleaford are proposing to hold this event and wanted permission to site a refreshment station on the village green. After consideration it was felt that this should be approved pending evidence of third-party liability insurance and the requirement for them to collect any resulting refuse both at the station and on route. The organiser has confirmed that both these will be complied with. TN did not take part in this item having expressed an interest.
21. Correspondence: 124/24: - None
22. Items for next agenda: 125/24: - Open gardens 2026.
23. To resolve to move into confidential session: 126/24: None
24. Confidential notes 127/24: None
25. Date and time of next meeting: 128/24: 12 May which will be AGM and Annual meeting of the Parish.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21.10.