February 2019 Minutes
Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Kavanagh Greene, Newton, Unwin and Woodhead.
Parish Clerk G Garton
District Councillor Clegg
Public Forum: No members of the public in
Cllr Clegg reported on; forthcoming election and pilot identification system, nomination briefings, transport consultation and neighbourhood plan. RW reiterated her views on increased car parking charges and the cost of street art at Sleaford. BD raised incidents of fly tipping prosecutions.
Cllrs Clegg left the meeting.
PCSO Woolerton, who apologies for her absence due to shift pattern, submitted a report to the clerk that the only incident in the last month was anti social behaviour in the churchyard,
1. Chairman's Welcome: The Chairman thanked all parish councillors for attending.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: Apology received from Cllr Kelly due to bereavement in the family and Cllr Kendrick due to sickness.
3. Declaration of Interest: No declarations of interest. Clerk raised the issue of parish councillors on the Neighbourhood Plan committee and whether they need to declare any interest.
Action: Clerk to check legislation with LALC.
4. Notes of previous meeting held on 21 January 2019 to be approved as minutes . These were proposed by AK-G and seconded by RW that the notes be accepted as a true record. Duly signed by the chairman.
5. Planning 063/18: Three decision notices have been received : 18/1664/FUL 2 Lincoln Rd, 18/1533/HOUS 55 57 Sleaford Rd and 18/1692/LBC 21 Main St
6. Finance 063/18: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £15790.80 prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.
Chapel rent £ 80.00
Clerk’s expenses £ 49.50
Interest £ 7.53
The payments of hall rental were approved and the cheques duly signed. Bank transfer was also signed.
7. Regeneration of Play Area 064/18: Remedial work needs doing to the gate posts to Tom’s Garden which TN is to undertake.
Action: Strengthen gate posts by TN.
8. Defibrillator 052/16: Cllr Kavanagh Greene has been investigating grant ap plication from Lincolnshire Co Op (Community Champions). She reported to the meeting that we have been shortlisted and the voting process will commence on 11 March with the announcement of the final decision in April. She has also been in touch with the Co mmunity Heartbeat.
Action: Await response from Co-Op by April.
9. Neighbourhood Plan 065/18: Approved minutes for the last meeting have been received by the clerk and circulated to all councillors. The chairman reported on the progress of neighbourhood plan.
Meetings are progressing with a monthly meeting in March and a public meeting in 13 April, all in the chapel schoolroom.
10. Co option of parish councillor 066/18: A vacancy still exists for one parish councillor . The clerk outlined the process for nomi nations for the role of parish councillors and reported that he would collect the nominations packs from the district council and distribute them to existing councillors only. He outlined the procedure for nomination.
Action: Clerk to collect nomination packs and distribute.
11. Resident concern on Waverley bank support 067/18: Cllr Drury has added hard core to strengthen bank assisted by Martin Phillips
Action: Clerk to send letter of thanks to Martin Phillips.
12. Street Artist around litter bin adjacent Musicians Arm 068/18: BD has affected a temporary repair but there is a need to replace all four corner posts.
Action: BD to investigate replacement posts
13. Correspondence 069/18: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence, listed below, and there was no further action necessary; NKDC Snowdrop Event, Mobile Phone coverage, Republication of Register, parish council election information, LALC Environmental awards, Buckingham Palace Garden Party, CPRE Best Kept Village , LCC Repo rting Highway Issues, Traffic Regulation Orders. No further action required.
14. Items for next agenda 070/18: Litter bin and art work at Tom’s Garden. Fen Road road surface deterioration and public footpath to Ruskington.
15. To resolve to move into Closed Sect ion: It was agreed to move into closed section.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.
The next meeting, which needs to be within 18 days of the May election, will be on WEDNESDAY 8 May 2019 at 7.00pm and it will be Annual Parish Me eting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council,