May 2019 Minutes
This meeting followed the Annual Meetings and started at 7.45pm. In attendance were Cllrs Drury (Chair), Unwin and Kavanagh Greene plus parish clerk and one member of the public. There were no declarations of interest.
1. Notes of previous meetings held 25 February 2019 to be approved as minutes 004/19 : Proposed by AK G and seconded by SU and agreed by all that the notes be accepted as a true record. Duly signed by the chairman
2. Planning 005/19 : No planning application
3. Finance 006/19: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £20198.59 prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.
In order to satisfy transparency code, the following financial transactions had occurred since the last meeting in February.
LALC Subscription £ 140.07
Dorrington Wesleyan Chapel £ 60.00
Clerk’s salary £ 294.04
HMRC £ 73.40
Payroll provider £ 67.20
Interest £ 7.30
Precept £ 5300.00
Allotment rents £ 30.00
The annual audit has been completed and a successful internal audit undertaken. All the required documents were discussed and duly signed by the chairman and the proper finance officer. It was decided that we would submit an exemption certificate which, if appropriate, would remove the need for an external audit. All statutory documents would be displayed on the web site and notices for public inspection of accounts placed on notice board.
Our previous insurers, Community Lincs have delegated the service to Zurich Insurance who have issued a quote for this year’s premium. They have enquired if we would like to insure all our play equipment, along with the bus shelter, benches and play area fencing as “All Risk” i.e. accidental and malicious damage cover for an additional premium of £170.02. After discussion it was proposed by AK G, and second ed by BD to pay the additional premium for All Risk cover.
Payments for approval are: hall rental (5 meetings) £100.00, Glendale for grass cutting £115.38 and Zurich Insurance £445.42.
4. Regeneration of Play Area 007/19; BD reported on the resiting of the gate and posts, which will be completed soon by Kevin Cocoran, at no extra cost.
5. Defibrillator 008/19: AK G reported on the progress of grant application via the Co Operative Society community champions scheme. Dorrington Parish Council have won the sect ion grant appeal. They have now to decide on the amount of our grant which will occur by the end of the year.
AK-G asked that the parish council extend their thanks and appreciation to Toni at Picks Butchers, Brian and Sue at the Musicians Arms and Billinghay Medical Practice for supporting the application.
Following discussion, it was proposed by BD and seconded SU by that the installation of the defibrillator in the redundant telephone box be ordered from Community Heartbeat, the owners of the telephone box.
Action: AK-G to place order and obtain invoice.
6. Neighbourhood Plan 009/19: BD reported on the progress of the plan. The minutes had been received and circulated. Web site and funding application are pending. A village event recently held in the chapel schoolroom was well attended.
7. Community Infrastructure Levy 010/19: The council have received funds via this scheme of £1352.25. NKDC have detailed the approved spend for this money and it is necessary to annual complete returns to them showing rec ipient projects. However, there will be no requirement for a return this year since they are twelve months in arrears, but we will need to identified the area(s) we have spent this levy on at the end of 2020.
8. Vacancy of Parish Councillor 011/19: Following the uncontested elections of 2 May, there are currently three vacancies for parish councillors. It is now possible to fill them by co opting suitable candidates and to this end the clerk has displayed the vacancies on the notice boards. To date we have on e expression of interest from Ms J Hayes.
9. Street Art Bin Surround 012/19: BD has inspected the posts to this feature and two have been replaced by himself, and two further posts are required
10. Litter bin and art work in Tom’s Garden 013/19: BD to discuss with K Corcoran the erection of the artwork surround to Tom’s Garden bin, currently stored by BD.
11. Fen Road Surface 014/19: Highways Agency have agreed to fill in the pot holes which have formed in the vehicular access to nos 8 12 Main St but not any of t he pot holes between the B1188 and no 4 Main St on the southern side of the highway, which is private land belonging to the Musicians Arms.
There is now have an incident number for repairs to the Fen Road which indicates Highways Agencies’ acknowledgement of the poor state of the road.
Action: Clerk to inform Cllr Kendrick of the ongoing unresolved issue of the Fen Road surfaces.
12. Public Footpath to Ruskington 015/19: Channels have been cut to alleviate flooding of the footpath near Penneshaw Farm. There is an issue with damage to the footpath caused by heavy duty vehicles crossing the footpath at Colsterworth Chickens’ farm premises.
Action: Advice from Highways Agency to be obtained.
13. Correspondence 016/19: The clerk had electronically circulated all rel evant correspondence from Citizens Advice request for grant, LALC Health Conversations, External Auditor, Networking Day, Extra Spending Budget Article, NKDC Register Of Electors updates, Community Infrastructure Levy Fund, Uncontested Elections and LCC Street Lighting Policy
It was decided to take no further action in any of the correspondence other that informing Citizens Advice that our funds are limited this year.
14. Agenda Items for Next Meeting 017/19.
- Bench at the Waver pond and 30mph refuse bin reminder signs.
- The chapel have also requested that the parish council approve and adopt a Safeguarding Policy. The clerk has produced one which will need discussing and approving at the next meeting.
- Grass cutting of amenity grass adjacent water feature.
15. To resolve to move into Confidential Section: It was agreed to move into closed section.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30 pm
The next meeting will be on the 22 July 2019 at 7.00pm.