November 2019 Minutes
Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Newton, Young, Hayes and Unwin.
Parish Clerk Garton
District Councillors Clarke and Clegg
County Councillor Kendrick
Public Forum: No members of the public in
With a general election pending, county and district councillors are “in purdah”
Cllr Clegg reported on: forthcoming election candidates, polling station locations and postal voting procedure.
Cllr Kendrick reported on: county council flood responsibilities, gritting rota, Fen Road surfaces management policy prioritising works which indicates Fen Rd will not be repaired imminently.
Cllr Drury raised car and street parking in Sleaford. Cllr Clegg noted comments
Cllrs Clegg, Kendrick and Clarke left the meeting.
PCSO Woolerton did not attend and did not send a report.
1. Chairman's Welcome: The Chairman thanked all parish councillors for attending.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: None
3. Declaration of Interest: BD declared an interest in item 047/19. JH and TN declared an interest in item 057/19.
4. Notes of previous meeting held on 30 September 2019: These were proposed by TN and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record. Duly signed by the chairman.
5. Planning 047/19: A planning application 17/1212/FUL for three poultry houses on Fen Road has been received. Objections raised on the increased frequency for heavy vehicles on a road that is approaching sub standard and the vehicular access to the site.
Action: Clerk to submit comments
6. Finance 048/19: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £17215.58 prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.
Dorrington PCC £ 525.00
Chapel rent £ 60.00
Clerk’s expenses £ 53.43
Clerk’s salary £ 309.68
Glendale grass cutting £ 251.58
HMRC £ 77.40
NKDC tree inspection £ 161.70
Virus protection licence 89.99
ROSPA inspection £ 90.60
NKDC Infrastructure £ 726.44
At the moment we only have two signatories and it is preferable to have at least three. It was agreed that JH would be an additional signatory. However, the mandate has yet to be approved by the bank.
The payment of hall rental and grass cutting were approved, and the cheques duly signed pending mandate approval.
BD reported on the discussion with a parish resident regarding parish council spending priorities.
7. Regeneration of Play Area 049/19: Monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken by TN.
RY reported on individuals exercising horses on the playing field and offered to report back on the owner’s identity.
The quotes for a replacement bin adjacent Tom’s Garden from Wybone (£89.99 plus liner £62.95) and Glasdon (£100.28) were discussed and it was decided to purchase a bin from Glasdon. Upon delivery the clerk will contact NKDC Environmental Services to arrange installation.
The clerk has asked Binbusters to clean seats of swings. This doesn’t appear to have been done yet.
The chinning bars are due to be removed.
Action: Clerk to order bins and contact Binbusters.
8. Neighbourhood Plan 050/19: Approved minutes for the last meeting have b een received by the clerk and circulated to all councillors. The chairman reported on the progress of neighbourhood plan.
A professional advisory has been engaged.
9. Co option of parish councillor 051/19: Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors but there has been some interest from two individuals. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies.
10. Road Surfaces 052/19: During councillors’ discussion at start of meeting, Cllr Kendrick responded that repair work is low priority.
11. Traffic Calming Signs 053/19: Cllr Unwin has undertaken an appraisal of location for the signs and has discussed the process with RSP.
Action: SU to contact Road Safety Partnership with details.
12. Parish Tree Inspection 054/19: NKDC Tree Officers have u ndertaken the inspection and issued a report which has been circulated. The items identified as essential and in need of work within three months was discussed and it was agreed that RY would carry out appraisal.
13. Bench near Musicians’ Arms 055/19: The bench is showing signs of decay and was agreed to consider replacing it with a recycled plastic bench. The clerk had obtained quotes from Wybone (£379.99) and Agri.Cycle (£275.00). It was agreed to purchase a replacement from Wybone and obtain cost of installation from Kevin Corcoran.
Action: Clerk to order bench with delivery to BD.
14. Parish Council representative on Dorrington Welfare Charity committee 056/19: Following the resignation of John Fox, the charity has approached the parish council for a parish council representative on the committee. RY offered to obtain more details from Sue Tong , the charity coordinator.
15. Dyke at rear of Playgarth 057/19: The maintenance of the dyke to the north boundary of Playgarth houses and historic correspondence relating to this dyke with Witham Drainage Board was discussed. It was decided that the onus is on riparian owners which is a mixture of NKDC Housing and private occupants.
16. Parish Grass Cutting 058/19: It was decided to test the market for the contract i n 2020.
The future of cutting of the grass area adjacent the water feature (Village Green) was discussed. BD offered to discuss with the new adjacent resident. Alternatively, it will be added to next year’s grass cutting schedule.
17. Correspondence 059/19: T he clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence, listed below, and there was no further action necessary; LCC street lighting and planting license, LCC speed reduction initiative, LCC planting license application, NKDC empty properties
18. Items for next agenda 060/19: Produce and approve 2020/21 budget and precept amount. Hedge planting on Playgarth. Leaf removal from road gullies to alleviate flooding.
19. To resolve to move into Closed Section: It was agreed to move into closed section.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.30pm. The next meeting will be on Monday 13 January 2020 at 7.00pm.