July 2019 Minutes



Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Newton and Unwin.

Parish Clerk G Garton

District Councillors Clegg and Clarke

Public Forum: Three members of the public in

Cllr Clegg reported on; investment in regeneration of Buttery market into food outlets and a cinema, household canvas, walking festival, heritage event. Billinghay by election results and impact on make up of NKDC council.

Cllr Clarke reported on: anticipated increase in RAF Cranwell services personnel, traffic lights at Holdingham roundabout

Cllrs Clegg and Clarke left the meeting.

PCSO Woolerton did not attend and did not send a report.

1. Chairman's Welcome: The Chairman thanked all parish councillors for attending.

2. Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllr Kavanagh Greene has resigned from the parish council.

NKDC Electoral Services have been informed and the form notifying the public of the option of a vacancy election has been displayed in the notice board. If there are less than 10 requests for an election within 14 days, we can commence advertising to co opt.

3. Declaration of Interest: No declarations of int erest. Disclosure of interests forms were received from BD and SU and acceptance of office form from BD.

4. Notes of previous meeting held on 8 May 2019 to be approved as minutes . These were proposed by and seconded by that the notes be accepted as a true r ecord. Duly signed by the chairman.

5. Planning 018/19: Two decision notices have been received : 18/0626/HOUS 46 Main St and 18/0627/HOUS 46 Main St. One application has been received and circulated for 18/0688/FUL Kirk House and one planning variation has been received and circulated for 19/0872/VARCON 46 Main St. No comments have been received from councillors. One new application 19/0928/FUL Kirk House has been received. There were no comments relating to application.

The clerk reported on the success of NKDC planning on line notifications, which, in his experience, works well and advised all councillors to subscribe.

6. Finance 019/19: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £18914.36 prior to the ap proval of this meeting’s expenditure.


Zurich Insurance £ 445.42
Chapel rent £ 100.00
Clerk’s salary £ 309.67
HMRC £ 77.40
Glendale grass cutting £ 262.16
Ruskington parish council £ 114.20
Information Commissioner £ 40.00
Clerk’s expenses £ 69.26
Community Heartbeat £ 2282.00


Interest £ 8.62
HMRC VAT refund £ 750.15
Allotment rent £ 10.00

NKDC Community Levy £ 1352.25

The clerk reported that we have received a satisfactory report from the external audit. Necessary declarations have been posted on the notice board and the web site.

At the moment we only have two signatories and it is preferable to have at least three. It was agreed that JH wou ld be an additional signatory. Once the paperwork is available, they will need to take proof of identity into the bank. Additionally, Rita Woodhead needs removal from mandate and following enquiries at the bank it appears they still have Gillian Wilson as a signatory.

The payments of hall rental, clerk’s quarterly expenses, LALC training fee and Glendale grass cutting invoices were approved and the cheques duly signed.

Action: Clerk to inform bank of change of signatories, obtain necessary documents and remove two signatories

7. Regeneration of Play Area 020/19: Monthly inspections of playground equipment have not occurred in the last few months. TN to action.

The resiting of the gate posts around Tom’s garden has been completed by the contractor.

The reinstallation of street art around the fenced area is under consideration.

The clerk has asked Binbusters to clean seats of swings. This doesn’t appear to have been done.

Action: Clerk to contact Binbusters to remind them of outstanding work.

8. Defibrillator 021/19: Antonio Kavanagh Greene had been investigating grant application from Lincolnshire Co-Op (Community Champions) but as a consequence of her resignation the new point of contact with Lincolnshire Co-Op will be TN.

Installation has been completed by Community Heartbeat (CH) fitter and registration with Lincolnshire Ambulances has been completed. The clerk has registered the appliance with CH and has enacted access to their web site for reporting purposes.

Part of the agreement includes the painting red of the phone box, painting crest gold and fixing necessary posters both within box and round the village. It was agreed K Corcoran would be contracted to paint the box. After which the box will need posters putting up and cleaning inside. Also part of our contract is the requirement to undertake weekly inspections of the equipment and for the clerk to report on this to CH. The clerk presented a simple checklist to assist in the process.

The following councillors agreed to undertake check on a weekly rota and make reports to the clerk: BD, TN, JH, RY and SU.

The provision on training into the correct use and procedure of the defibrillator was discussed and it was agreed that for the moment no training would be undertaken.

Action: Await final response from Co-Op via TN. BD to contact K Corcoran to collect the paint from Dulux Paint Centre at Sleaford using voucher for free red undercoat and red paint and then apply to phone box. Clerk to retain gold paint for crest until required. Clerk to compile inspection rota and circulate.

9. Neighbourhood Plan 022/19: Approved minutes for the last meeting have been received by the clerk and circulated to all councillors. The chairman reported on the progress of neighbourhood plan and the grant application.

10. Street Artist around litter bin adjacent Musicians Arm 023/19: BD reported that the re erectionof posts is underway.

11. Co option of parish councillor 024/19: This agenda item moved u p to follow item 4. Three vacancies still exist for parish councillors and expressions of interest have been received from Robert Young and Jackie Hayes . It was proposed by BD and seconded by TN that both should be co opted into the parish council. The clerk distributes acceptance of office, declarations of pecuniary interest forms and code of conducts, which were duly completed.

The clerk recommended that the new councillors attend training provided by LALC.

Action: Clerk to submit paperwork to Electoral Services NKDC

12. Road surfaces 025/19: Cllr Kendrick has, as yet, not responded to the remedial work needed to subsidence on Fen Road.

Action: Clerk to contact Cllr Kendrick initially

13. Bench at Waver 026/19: T he purchas e and siting of a bench at the Waver was discussed. BD presented land registry document to p rove private ownership of land adjacent to the pond. It meant there was no available location for a bench.

14. Traffic Calming Signs 027/19: It was discussed that the parish council purchase 30mph warning signs to be adhered to residents’ wheelie bins to alt er drivers to the speed limit. The clerk had found that the cost would be 57p per sign and that each house on the Main St would require 4 6 signs. This could result in a cost of £460 for Main St distribution. It was decided instead to look at purchasing some speeding awareness signs to affix to posts.

Action: Clerk to obtain cost of signs.

15. Safeguarding Policy028/19: The owners of the Wesleyan Chapel have requested that the parish council has a policy. The clerk has identified a suitable document which he ha d previously circulated to all councillors. It was proposed by TN and seconded by SU that the draft policy be adopted.

Action: Clerk to inform Chapel committee of the adoption of a policy

16. Grass Cutting 029/19: Following Mr Cheffings leaving the village it is necessary to find an alternative to the cutting of the village green grass adjacent the redundant water feature.

Action: BD to talk with new occupants to discuss cutting.

17. Correspondence 030/19: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant corr espondence, listed below, and there was no further action necessary; LALC inviting chairman of DC, waste and duty of care, electoral review briefings, LCC public rights of way grass cutting, temporary road closure, Cllr Kendrick MP mobile surgery, pl anting of flowers on verges, advice on siting of gated approaches to villages. No further action required.

18. Items for next agenda 031/19: Parish tree inspection by NKDC. Grant for PCC. Grass cutting contract. Co option of parish councillor(s) s). Flowers on verges.

19. To re solve to move into Closed Section: It was agreed to move into closed section.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15pm. The next meeting will be on Monday 30 September 2019 at 7.00pm.