September 2019 Minutes



Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Newton, Hayes and Unwin.

Parish Clerk G Garton

District Councillors Clegg and Clarke

Public Forum: No members of the public in attendance.

Cllr Clegg reported on; paper and card trial recycling collection, Quarrington school conversion to housing, Sleaford renewable energy scheme’s support of local groups including Dorrington.

Cllr Clarke reported on: district councillors’ tour of the district, chairman’s event at Leasingham, state of NHS in Lincolnshire.

Cllrs Clegg and Clarke left the meeting.

PCSO Woolerton did not attend and did not send a report.

1. Chairman's Welcome: The Chairman thanked all parish councillors for attending.

2. Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllr Young sent his apologise due to work commitments, which was accepted by the council. Cllr Kendrick had sent his apologies and he is away at the moment.

3. Declaration of Interest: No declarations of interest.

4. Notes of previous meeting held on 22 July 2019 and annual meetings held on 8 May to be approved as minutes . These were proposed by TH and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record. Duly signed by the chairman.

5. Planning 032/19: One decision notice has been received : 19/0872//VARCON 46 Main St.

6. Finance 033/19: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £18633.52 prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.


LALC training £ 15.00
Chapel rent
£ 40.00
Clerk’s expenses £ 131.00
Litter bin surround £ 50.00
Glendale grass cutting £ 146.79
Audit £ 20.00


Interest £ 7.84

Dorrington welfare charity £ 114.20

A grant application has been received from Dorrington PCC for financial aid with grass cutting of the churchyard. After discussion it was proposed by JH and seconded by SU to make a grant of £5 25 .00. It was unanimous agreed, and a cheq ue was duly signed.

At the moment we only have two signatories and it is preferable to have at least three. It was agreed that JH would be an additional signatory. However, the mandate issued by the bank was incorrect and the right one has been received. This was duly filled in by all three signatories, Cllr Drury, Newton and Hayes.

The payment of hall rental and clerk’s expenses were approved, and the cheques duly signed.

Action: Clerk to inform bank of change of signatories

7. Regeneration of Play Area 034/19: Monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken by TN. He will continue into the future.

The current litter bin is a basis refuse bin and is not secure. NKDC are unable to empty bin due to the lack of maintaining a bin liner and have suggested we purchase a preferred bin, which they are prepared to install. The clerk has circulated bins and it was decided to obtain quotes for both preferred providers

The clerk has asked Binbusters to clean seats of swings. This doesn’t appear to have been done yet

Action: Clerk to price bins. Clerk to send TN monthly inspection log.

8. Neighbourhood Plan 035/19: Approved minutes for the last meeting have been received by the clerk and circulated to all councillors. The chairman reported on the progress of neighbourhood plan and the selection process f or a professional advisory

9. ROSPa Report 036/19: This has been undertaken by Playsafety and their report has been received.

The content was discussed, and it was decided to remove Chinning Bars and surround kerbing

Action: removal to de undertaken by BD and TN

10. Defibrillator 037/19: Antonio Kavanagh Greene had been investigating grant application from Lincolnshire Co Op (Community Champions) but because of her resignation the new point of contact with Lincolnshire Co Op will be TN .

As discussed at the last meeting, part of our contract is the requirement to undertake weekly inspections of the equipment and for the clerk to report on this to C ommunity Heartbeat . This has not occurred for the last two months and no reports have been submitted. In the future J H to complete reports and inform clerk.

11. Co option of parish councillor 038/19: Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors and no expressions of interest have been received. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies.

12. Road Surfaces 039/19: No response from Cllr Kendrick’s yet.

13. Flowers on verges 040/19: The purchase of bulbs was discussed Before proceeding it is necessary to obtain the views of the Highway Agency. It was agreed not to proceed with this.

14. Traffic Calming Signs 041/19: It was decided at the last meeting to look at purchasing some speeding awareness signs to affix to posts. The first step is to identify exact location of each sign and send them the details along with an anointed map. is . Then we need to register with Community Speedwatch at a cost of £40 This will entitle us to six signs. SU took the information sheets and will look at likely locations.

Action: SU to identify preferred locations.

15. Dog Fouling Signs 042/19: New dog fouling signs have been received from NKDC and they need to replace the existing ones. They have sent 6 signs but if necessary, we may need to obtain more.

Action: BD to install.

16. Parish Tree Inspection 043/19: It is three years since the last inspection of trees on Playgarth and the NKDC Tree Officers have advised us that they are prepared to carry out the inspection and produce report for an estimated cost of £118.25 It was decided to proceed.

Action: Clerk to confirm contract.

17. Parish Grass Cutting 044/19: In the absence of RY, this item was deferred.

18. Corresp ondence 045/19: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence, listed below, and there was no further action necessary; LALC Annual Report, LCC highways contracts. No further action required.

19. Items for next agenda 046/19:

  • The parish council needs to find a representative to sit on the Dorrington Welfare Charity committee. Any candidate needs to be aware that they cannot be a recipient of the charity whilst holding the post.
  • Replacement bench near Musicians Arms.
  • Parish grass cutting contract.
  • Dyke at rear of Playgarth to the north.

20. To resolve to move into Closed Section: It was agreed to move into closed section.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.15pm. The next meeting will be on Monday 18 November 2019 at 7