March 2021 Minutes
Present: Cllrs Drury, Unwin and Newton.
Parish Clerk Garton
This meeting was held during covid19 restrictions using Zoom virtual meeting.
Public Forum: One member of the public requested access and attended the meeting.
- Chairman's Welcome: The Chair thanked all parish councillors for attending. BD offered to contact Cllr Robert Young to ascertain if he wished to continue as a parish councillor.
- Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllrs Clegg, Kendrick and Clarke sent their apologises.
- Declaration of Interest: None
- Notes of previous meeting held on 11 January 2021: 076/20: These were proposed by TH and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record. To be signed by the chairman at a later date.
- Planning 077/20: A decision on applications 20/0531/FUL, 20/1749/HOUS and 20/1604/FUL has been received.
- Finance 078/20: The clerk has circulated a reconciliation and since the last meeting the following activities have occurred;
Clerk’s salary324.60
T Kladzinski250.00
The bank balance is currently £1672.71
Ruskington Parish Council have withdrawn financial support and management of the Voluntary Hospital Car Scheme which means that Dorrington Parish Council are unable to contribute to the cost in the future. An independently run and managed hospital car scheme has been established and they have asked permission to include Dorrington in their title since they will continue to provide services to Dorrington residents. The councillors had no objections to this.
- Regeneration of Play Area 079/20: Monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken by TN. Dorrington WI have offered the parish council a bench to be placed on the Village Green. TN has approached Ladybird Homes and Construction to provide a base for the seat which they have agreed to do at a cost of £400. This expenditure was approved by the council and TN would liaise with the contractors for its completion including securing dowels.
- Co-option of parish councillor 080/20: Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies. One member of the public has shown any interest in becoming a parish councillor and her application was considered. After discussion it was unanimously decided to invite Hayley Carrington to fill one of the vacant posts as a co-opted councillor.
Action: Clerk, along with HC, to prepare necessary paperwork and forward to NKDC
- Speed Watch 081/20: A member of the public has raised the issue of excessive speeding on Main Street and suggested that the parish council consider promoting and financing voluntary hand-held speed cameras. The clerk has discussed the principle with Road Safety Partnership, and we would need to buy two speed guns, additional signage and training. After a length discussion it was unanimously agreed to defer making a decision on this until further views were sought.
Action: Clerk to convey this to the member of the public
- Highways Issues 082/20: The rapid deterioration of the Fen Road has already been drawn to the attention of Cllr Rob Kendrick along with blocked road gullies. It is also hoped that a meeting between Highways Agency and parish council representative would take place. Although unable to attend the meeting, Cllr Kendrick had supplied an answer to these points and the clerk would circulate to all councillors so they could appraise action to date.
The clerk has contacted NKDC and LCC regarding designating a cycle path to Ruskington but, as yet, has not received any response.
Cllr Hayes joined the meeting at this point.
- Grass Cutting Contract 083/20: The present contractor has informed the parish council that his fees for 2021 would increase by 2.5% on previous year’s rates. It was proposed by JH and seconded by SU to accept this quote. Unanimously agreed.
Action: Clerk to confirm acceptance of quote
- Village Green reseeding 084/20: Ladybird Homes and Construction have repaired the damage to the grass areas.
It was proposed by BD and seconded by JH to offer Amanda Gray a donation of £80 for the cost of maintaining the area during 2020. Unanimously agreed.
Action: Clerk to raise cheque
- Hedge at 37 Main Street 085/20: The obstruction of the hedge has already been reported to LCC and an incident no of 4151046 raised. In the interim, BD would try to contact the home owner.
- Correspondence 086/20: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence.
- Items for next agenda 087/20: None. Clerk reminded meeting to submit agenda items no less than one week before meeting.
- To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda items.
- Confidential Notes: None
- Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting is planned for 10 May 2021 at 7.00 which may be via Zoom or a face to face meeting, depending on national government policy.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 20.20.