July 2021 Minutes
Present: Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Hayes, Newton, Carrington and Unwin.
Parish Clerk Garton
District Councillor Clarke
County Councillor Kendrick
Public Forum: One member of the public, Stephen Clarke (SC), attended the meeting.
Cllr Clarke reported on: Local Plan consultation period expires on 4 August and NKDC finance. HC asked about location of windfarms.
SC highlighted the issue of speeding vehicles on Main St. Cllr Kendrick informed meeting of the availability of a speed sensor to identify if speeding in the village is prevalent.
Cllr Kendrick reported on: Big Tree scheme and identifying likely areas, tackling pothole repairs on lower classifications of roads and the reporting on Fixmystreet, noted repairs required to road between Dorrington and Ruskington and street light adjacent Kirk House.BD highlighted the ongoing problem with the hedge at 37 Main St.
1. Chairman’s welcome: Thanked all for attendance
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: None
3. Declaration of interest in agenda items: None
4 Notes of previous meeting held on 3 May 2021: 014/21: These were proposed by SU and seconded by JH that the notes be accepted as a true record. Signed by the chairman.
5 Planning 015/21: A decision on applications 20/0360/HOUS, 20/0671/OUT and 20/0239/FUL has been received.
The parish council have also been notified of 21/0795/VARCON of vary conditions on 190 dwellings Lincoln Road, Ruskington.
6 Finance 016/21: The clerk has circulated a reconciliation and since the last meeting the following activities have occurred;
Income Interest 0.46
HMRC Vat refund 863.48
Expenditure HMRC 81.00
Clerk’s salary 324.40
PCC grant 550.00
TP Jones payroll 67.20
Malc Firth 210.00
Zurich Insurance 388.29
Community Heartbeat 162.00
Amanda Gray 80.00
The bank balance is currently £19309.56.
The external auditor has approved our exemption certificate.
7 Regeneration of Play Area 017/21: TN had approached Ladybird Homes and Construction to provide a base for the seat. However, they appeared to be disinterested. JH suggested using a contractor she has used, RHS Building, and to liaise with TN regarding siting.
Action: JH and TN to pursue
8 Co-option of parish councillor 018/21: At present two vacancies exists for parish councillors. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies. The district council have informed us that we can now proceed with adopting a parish councillor and Robert Young has expressed an interest in taking up the position. It was unanimous agreed to co-opt him and invite him to the next meeting.
Action: Clerk to produce declaration documents.
9 Speed Watch 019/21: The clerk has spoken to the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership and they have advised him that the likely cost of training, equipment and signage plus registration will cost approximately £500.They also advised that we need a minimum of 6 volunteered. If the scheme is controlled and managed by the parish council, third party insurance of the volunteers will be covered by our existing policy.
Action: Contact SC regard number of volunteers required and Cllr Kendrick with regard to static speed sensor.
10 Hedge at 37 Main Street 020/21: Reported to Cllr Kendrick who is going pursue.
11 Fence between Playgarth and new development 021/21: TN declared an interest in this item. The clerk has contacted the developer to ascertain ownership of the fence, but no response has been received.
Action: Letter to be sent to Ladybird Homes and Construction.
12 Safety signage on Playgarth 022/21: The parish council has contacted both the County Councillor and Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. Cllr Kendrick to chase this with response received by SU, who is to forward it to Cllr Kendrick.
13 Damage to bridge by Environment Agency 023/21: BD raised this with Cllr Kendrick who will investigate.
14 Maintenance of Website 024/21: LALC have advised us that the external IT specialist, Robert Langford has offered to provide ongoing advice and assistance at a monthly cost of £12.00 per month. The clerk is confident at the moment that he has manage to post agendas and minutes to the site but struggles with the technology when doing other activities such as posting financial audit papers. It was agreed by majority of one to enter into a monthly contract.
Action: Clerk to contact LALC to arrange.
15 Correspondence 025/21: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence. Two emails have been received from two residents about their concerns regarding village amenities. NKDC have advised us that amendments to the Local Plan are opening to consultation. Live and Local have informed us about their program of performances.
Dorrington Welfare Charity have asked permission to erect a charity memory tree and hold a carol service on the village green, for a short period in December. Agreed by all to grant permission.
Action: Clerk to contact County Council to see if any more cuts will be to village verges.
16 Items for next agenda 026/21: Infrastructure levy, cutting of CC verges, replacement junior swings, odours from chicken farms.
17 To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda items.
18 Confidential Notes: None
19 Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting is planned for 20 September 2021 at 7.00.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 21.05