November 2021 minutes


Monday 1 November 2021


Present ; Cllr Drury (Chair), Cllrs Newton, Carrington, Hayes and Young.

Cllrs  Clarke

In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum

County Cllr Kendrick 


District Cllr Clarke spoke of official visit to NKDC, and recent meeting outcomings results of recent central government budget report and effect on local government grants.


District Cllr Clegg 

1. Chairperson's welcome: 048/21:  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting


2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 049/21: Cllr Unwin, due to holiday, Cllr Clegg prior meeting.


3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 050/21- None


4. Notes of previous meeting held on 20 September 2021: 051/21:   These were proposed by HC and seconded by TN that the notes be accepted as a true record.  Signed by the Chairman.


5. Planning: 052/21:   Decision notice issued for 21/0979/LBC and 21/0978/VARCON  both Old Stables, Main Street.


6. Finance: 053/21:    The Clerk circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting

Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:

Clerk’s salary £324.40

HMRC £  81.20

Dorrington Chapel £  20.00

Malc Firth £210.00


    The Bank Balance is currently £18108.02


It was proposed by TN, Seconded by HC the following accounts be paid.

Clerk’s/Expenses 139.26

MalcFirth 210.00

Dorrington Chapel Rent   20.00

           Temporary Clerk expense         84.70


7. Regeneration of play areas: 054/21: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.

RoSPA Annual report action – Chairman adjusted the gate.  The Chairman and TN also checked the junior swing unit to see if they need replacing or can be repaired. TN to treat timber with Creocoat. The picnic bench in Tom’s Garden has been relocated.


8. Co-option of new parish councillors: 055/21: – Acceptance forms collected from Robert Young.  A vacancy for a parish councillor still exists, the chairman asked for suggestions of likely candidates.


9. Fence between play area and new development: 056/21: – A letter has been sent to developer by the clerk.  No response has been received to date.


10. Safety Signage on Playgarth 057/21: It was agreed to purchase a safety sign from JAF graphics at £48.00. Clerk to order. Fix to telegraph pole and floor anchor.

Action: Clerk to order.


11. Free Trees from LCC: 058/21: – They are unable to supply a bean tree because they are restricted to UK native trees. It was suggested to enquire about a Dogwood and 3 Mirabelle.


12. Maintenance of around surrounding cross: 059/21: – Awaiting paving by building contractors.                        


13. Grass cutting: 060/21 – the cutting of additional grass area, the village green and the road side splays to Dixon Street was discussed. 

Action: Clerk to obtain quote from Malc Firth Landscapes


14. Odour from chicken farm: 061/21:  The clerk has written to the ARM Poultry Ltd and prompted a telephone conversation with a dire3ctor of the company. Because the clerk was unable to confirm the exact location of the offending units, he had referred the matter to the chairman who had more information. The chair has spoken to them and they promisedl to reduce the odour. If this isn’t forthcoming the parish council will resort to involving Environmental Health


15. Correspondence: 062/21: The following correspondence has been circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting

a) Salt bags – unfortunately cut-off date has passed.


16. Items for next agenda: 063/21: hedge of the 101 Main St, clerk to report via FixMyStreet, Playgarth notice board, footpath stile at Playgarth to Digby stile, vehicle parking on playing field.


17. To resolve to move into confidential session: 064/21:  None


18. Confidential notes: 


19. Date and time of next meeting: 066/21: – 13 December to agreed budget and precept for 2022/3


8.250hrs. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting close