May 2021 minutes
Public Forum: One members of the public requested access to the meeting.
1. Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllrs Kendrick, Clegg and Clarke sent their apologies.
2. Chairman’s Report: Thanked all councillors and clerk for their services especially during coronavirus epidemic and he regrets failing to deliver neighbourhood plan. However, finances remain favourable.
3. Election of Chairman 001/21: Cllr Hayes nominated Cllr Drury to continue as chairman for the next year and was seconded by Cllr Unwin. Cllr Drury accepted the nomination and was unanimously voted in.
1. Notes of previous meeting held on 8 March 2021: 002/21: These were proposed by JH and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record. To be signed by the chairman at a later date.
2. Planning 003/21: A decision on application 20/1733/VARCON has been received. Applications 21/0239/FUL and 21/0360/HOUS have been received with comments closing dates of 9 April and 15 April respectively.
3. Finance 004/21: The clerk has circulated a reconciliation and since the last meeting the following activities have occurred;
Income Interest 0.37
Dorrington WI 21.30
Allotment rents 40.00
Precept 5500.00
Expenditure HMRC 81.20
Clerk’s salary 324.40
PCC grant 550.00
LALC 141.53
The bank balance is currently £21227.35.
Our internal auditor had examined the accounts and completed the statement as necessary. The council consider and approved the Annual Governance Statement and Accounting Statement. The clerk would now complete and sign all the external auditor’s prescribed forms, forward them to the chairman for signature, and upon their return submit the exemption form to the external auditor. Unanimously agreed.
Dorrington PCC have submitted a grant application for 2021/22 and it was proposed by BD and seconded by TN to make a grant payment of £550.
Action: Clerk to raise cheque for PCC grant.
4. Regeneration of Play Area 005/21: TN has approached Ladybird Homes and Construction to provide a base for the seat including securing dowels donated by Dorrington WI. It was agreed to ask the contractor to install a seat base for £400 plus VAT and to send the clerk an invoice.
Action: TN to advise contractor of site for bench and obtain a VAT invoice.
5. Co-option of parish councillor 006/21: At present one vacancy still exists for a parish councillor. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill this vacancy.
Cllr Young has not attended a meeting for over six months and has not sent any apologies to the council to explain his absence. The clerk has sought advice from LALC and they have confirmed that he is now disqualified from being a councillor. However, Robert Young has indicated that he still wishes to be a parish councillor and it was suggested that he applies for one of the vacancies.
Action: Add Robert Young’s application to be a parish councillor to next agenda, for full parish council approval.
6. Speed Watch 007/21: The clerk has spoken to the member of the public that raised the issue of excessive speeding on Main St and he has now found two further volunteers to conduct speed checks. After discussion it was agreed to invite the member of the public to the next parish council to discuss his proposals with the council. The clerk will also find the cost of purchasing a speed gun, signage, training and insurance. The clerk will also contact neighbouring parish councils that already use this method to control speeding traffic.
Action: Clerk to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety partnership re signs and training, our insurers regarding public liability insurance for participants and find cost of radar guns. The clerk is also to liaise with other parish council(s).
7. Hedge at 37 Main Street 008/21: The chairman had offered to speak to the home owner and has written a letter to them, but no reply has been received yet.
8. Fence between Playgarth and new development 009/21: It was observed that the concrete fence is looking to be in need to repair in the near future. It is uncertain what arrangements have made for the property and car park fence maintenance on the playing field boundary.
Action: Clerk to contact developer to ascertain the owners’ responsibilities for repair/replacement.
9. Safety signage on Playgarth 010/21: JH felt that a sign warning driver of the vicinity of a children’s’ play area would be beneficial.
Action: Clerk to contact County Councillor and SU to contact Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.
10. Parish Council representative on Dorrington Welfare Charity 011/21: The vacancy has existed for a considerable time. HC volunteered to be the parish council representative.
Action: Clerk and HC to contact Sue Tonge, the charity secretary.
11. Correspondence 012/21: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence.
12. Items for next agenda 013/21: Environment Agency re damage to bridge (BD)
13. To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda items.
14. Confidential Notes: None
15. Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting is planned for 19 July 2021 at 7.00, venue to be decided nearer the time pending government advise on indoor meetings
There being no other business the meeting closed at 20.25.