March 2020 Minutes



Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Hayes, Young and Unwin.

Parish Clerk Garton

Public Forum: Ian Billyard attended to address the council re Neighbourhood Plan PCSO Woolerton did not attend and didn’t send a report.

1. Chairman's Welcome: The Chairman thanked all parish councillors for attending.

2. Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllrs Clarke, Clegg and Kendrick sent their apologies

3. Decla ration of Interest: None.

4. Notes of previous meeting held on 13 January 2020: These were proposed by BD and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record. Duly signed by the chairman.

5. Planning 073/19: A decision on planning application 17/1590/FUL Kirk House has been received. A planning application 20/0137/HOUS for 98 Main St has been received. No comments had been submitted.

6. Finance 074/19: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £22786.01 excluding unpresented cheques and prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.


Glasdon bin £ 312.07
Chapel rent
£ 100.00
Clerk’s salary £ 309.67
Wybone bench £ 521.99
HMRC £ 77.40
Clerk’s expenses £ 46.45
LALC membership £ 141.06
Printer £ 89.99
Open Plan Consultants £ 556.20


Groundwork £ 6724.00
Co op Grant £ 643.31
Interest £ 10.17

The payment of hall rental, HMRC, Silhouette Media, Open Plan Consultants and clerk’s salary were approved, and the cheques duly signed. A bank transfer form was signed.

Following BD volunteering to talk with HSBC about banking business details, we have received confirmation of continued ba nk services from HSBC

The clerk confirmed that allotment rents have been sent out and two received to date.

7. Regeneration of Play Area 075/19: No monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken.

SU to contact TN

8. Neighbourhood Plan 076/19: Approved minutes for the last meeting have been received by the clerk and circulated to all councillors. The chairman invited Ian Billyard to report on the progress of neighbourhood plan.

Cllr Young arrived at meeting at this point.

9. Co option of parish councillor 077/19: Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies.

10. Representative for Welfare Charity 078/19: The charity has been in touch again but as, yet we haven’t appointed a parish council representative. JH volunteered to see Sue Tonge about joining the committee

11. Playgarth 079/19: The obtaining of tree maintenance quotes is proving problematic. RY to circulate quote received to date to enable cou ncil to decide

12. Grass Cutting 080/19: Amanda Gray has accepted the offer for cutting the Village Green area Grass cutting quotes for 2020 was discussed and it was decided to accept the quote from Malc Firth due to the wish to improve the level of service and the appearance of the area s cut.

Action: Clerk to confirm contract and cancel Glendale.

13. Water on Main St adjacent Kirk House 081/19: It was decided that the flow of water across the highway should be reported to Highways for their opinion.

Action: Clerk to contact Highways

14. Ownership of Medieval Cross 082/19: Following request from the developer the clerk had found that the listed monument is the care of Historic England with a list entry no 1254204 and that further intervention by the parish council is unnecessary.

15. Painting of Telephone Box 083/19: This is outstanding, and BD has pursued the contractor who is waiting for an improvement in the weather.

16. Parish Website 084/198: The parish council currently use a site administered by LCC and they are in the process of changing the platform. The clerk has been on a training course and we will be using the new platform when development is ready. At this point all existing information on the old site will need manually transferring to the new site. This will be a lengthy process and the clerk will endeavour to do it but may incur additional hours.

17. Correspondence 085/19: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence, listed below, and there was no further action necessary; NKDC Electoral Reform, Police and Crime Commissioner forum at Metheringham, Glendale cutting of LCC Verges, Calor Gas Rural Community Fund, Community Heartbeat corona virus , grant application from Lives Action:

18. Items for next agenda 086/19: None

19. To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda items.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.00pm. It was agreed by all to defer the Annual Meeting of the Parish and the Annual Parish Council Meeting until later in the year. Due to coronavirus no further meetings were planned. The clerk will co ordinate parish council business in the interim as is depend ant on councillors being contactable.