July 2020 Minutes



Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Hayes, Newton and Unwin.

Parish Clerk Garton

NKDC Cllr Clegg

This meeting was held during covid19 restrictions using Zoom virtual meeting.

Public Forum: No members of the public requested access to the meeting

Cllr Clegg informed the meeting of: NKDC opening hours, boundary changes and Murray award nominations.

PCSO Woolerton did not attend and didn’t send a report.

1. Chairman's Welcome: The Chairman thanked all parish councillors for attending. Unfortunately, due to the unavailability of the clerk, the June meeting was cancelled.

2. Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllrs Clarke and Kendrick sent their apologises.

3. Declaration of Interest: None.

4. Notes of previous meeting held on 11 May 2020: These were proposed by SU and seconded by TN that the notes be accepted as a true record. To be signed by the chairman at a later date.

5. Planning 012/20: A planning application 20/0719/LBC for 21 Main St has been received. No comments had been received. Subsequent to the agenda publication planning application 20/0822/RESM for reserved matters for 4 houses at the rear of 24 34 Main St had arrived. BD confirmed that there was stil l no provision through the site for farm access, which Cllr Clegg confirmed.

6. Finance 013/20: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £20905.79 excluding unpresented cheques and prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.


TP Jones payroll £ 67.20
Web cam
£ 49.69
Zurich insurance £ 382.64
Groundworks £ 1324.55
HMRC £ 77.40
Community Heartbeat £ 162.00
Community Lincs £ 2175.00
Malc Firth grass cutting £ 204.90


VAT refund £ 713.46
Interest £ 8.61

An invoice from Malc Firth Landscaping was outstanding and required processing.

7. Regeneration of Play Area 014/20: Monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken by TN and a further one to satisfy covid 19 requirements would be undertaken.

Following the outbreak of covid19 the play area has been closed. Subsequently the government have advised local authorities of the necessary actions required to ensure the safe opening of play areas. The clerk has attended a virtual training session with LALC and discussed necessary actions with our insurers and all the necessary preparatory paperwork and advise have been circulated. Following completion of risk assessment, it was unanimously decided to open the playground and advisory posters have been displayed. Following completion of risk assessment, it was unanimously decided to open the playground and advisory posters have been displayed.

JH joined the meeting at this point.

8. Neighbourhood Plan 015/20:Neighbourhood Plan 015/20: The chairman reported on the progress of neighbourhood plan The chairman reported on the progress of neighbourhood plan regardregarding protecting heritage and open spaces. TN asked about inclusion of certain important areas ing protecting heritage and open spaces. TN asked about inclusion of certain important areas within the village.within the village. A grant application for £4600.55 has been submitted for 2020/21 expenditureA grant application for £4600.55 has been submitted for 2020/21 expenditure

9. CoCo--option of parish councillor 016/20: option of parish councillor 016/20: Two vacancies still exist Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors. The parish for parish councillors. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies. council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies.

10. Representative for Welfare Charity 017/20: Representative for Welfare Charity 017/20: In the absence of RY this item was deferred.In the absence of RY this item was deferred.

11. Playgarth 018/20:Playgarth 018/20: Tree maintenance by Tom Hall Tree Surgeon has been Tree maintenance by Tom Hall Tree Surgeon has been undertaken to Playgarth undertaken to Playgarth trees as recommended by NKDC tree inspectors. trees as recommended by NKDC tree inspectors.

12. Painting of Telephone Box 019/20: Painting of Telephone Box 019/20: A quote for the painting of the exterior has been obtained but it A quote for the painting of the exterior has been obtained but it was decided that an additional quote for painting the interior was also necessary. was decided that an additional quote for painting the interior was also necessary. This was still This was still outstanding and with the absence of RY it was deferred until next meeting.outstanding and with the absence of RY it was deferred until next meeting.

13. Litter Bin Cleaning 020/20: Litter Bin Cleaning 020/20: This agenda item was erroneously included. BD reported that he had This agenda item was erroneously included. BD reported that he had washed the bus shelter.washed the bus shelter.

14. Parking on Main St near B1188 Parking on Main St near B1188 junction 021/20: junction 021/20: It was felt by the meeting that the frequency and It was felt by the meeting that the frequency and density of road side parking was detrimental to both highway safety and obstruction to large vehicle density of road side parking was detrimental to both highway safety and obstruction to large vehicle entering village. It was decided that a letter be sent to Kirk House to ask them to consentering village. It was decided that a letter be sent to Kirk House to ask them to consider off street ider off street parking of staff and visitors and the views of Cllr Kendrick be sought.parking of staff and visitors and the views of Cllr Kendrick be sought.

Action: Clerk to contact both Kirk House and Cllr Kendrick

15. Parish Council website 022/20:Parish Council website 022/20: LCC have informed the clerk that the new web site is available. LCC have informed the clerk that the new web site is available. However, withHowever, with the clerk’s ongoing health issues a delay has been given and the old web site will the clerk’s ongoing health issues a delay has been given and the old web site will remain active until the end of 2020. The clerk is attending a refresher training course at the end of remain active until the end of 2020. The clerk is attending a refresher training course at the end of the month.the month.

16. Correspondence 023/20: Correspondence 023/20: The clerk had electronically circulThe clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence, listed ated all relevant correspondence, listed below, and there was no further action necessary; below, and there was no further action necessary; Cllr Kendrick Cllr Kendrick –– waste centres, surface dressing, waste centres, surface dressing, traffic diversions, LCC Community Fund. Playsafety traffic diversions, LCC Community Fund. Playsafety –– notification of inspection. notification of inspection.

An email from a resident had been received and circulated concerning the parking of construction received and circulated concerning the parking of construction vehicles on the village green. BD had been to investigate, and the contractors apologised for the vehicles on the village green. BD had been to investigate, and the contractors apologised for the parking caused by the need to clear site for large building material delivery. They said it wouparking caused by the need to clear site for large building material delivery. They said it would not ld not occur again.occur again.

17. Items for next agenda 024/20: Items for next agenda 024/20: Hedges obstructing footpath at 37 High St and at the B1188 Hedges obstructing footpath at 37 High St and at the B1188 junction. The ongoing problems with the road surface on Fen Road.junction. The ongoing problems with the road surface on Fen Road.

18. To resolve to move into Closed Section:To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda iteThere were no closed session agenda items.ms.

19. Confidential Notes: Confidential Notes: NoneNone

20. Date and time of next meeting: Date and time of next meeting: Due to the limiting time available using virtual platform it was Due to the limiting time available using virtual platform it was decided to change to monthly meetings. Therefore, the next meeting is planned for 17 August at 7.00 decided to change to monthly meetings. Therefore, the next meeting is planned for 17 August at 7.00 via Zoom.via Zoom.

There being no There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.55.other business the meeting closed at 7.55.