December 2020 minutes




Present:            Cllr Unwin, Hayes and Newton.

                        LCC Cllr Kendrick

                        Parish Clerk Garton


This meeting was held during covid19 restrictions using Zoom virtual meeting.


Public Forum:   No members of the public requested access to the meeting.

Cllr Kendrick reported on the opening of Lincoln bypass by the end of the year and the continued fall in covid positive test results. Following questions raised by parish councillors on road issues, Cllr Kendrick suggested that a site meeting be arranged between himself, Highways officer and parish council representative. BD said that he was prepared to be involved. Regarding the silting up of road gullies Cllr Kendrick suggested that jetting may be necessary. He is going to visit the village to look first hand at highway issues including farming contractors’ mud on the highway. He is also compiling a list of parish council requests for highway maintenance programme and would resend out the email.


1.Chairman's Welcome: In the absence of the chairman, the meeting elected Jackie Hayes as chair for this morning. The Chair thanked all parish councillors for attending.


2.Apologies and reasons for absence:  Cllrs Clegg and Clarke sent their apologises.


3.Declaration of Interest: None


4.Notes of previous meeting held on 12 October 2020, 050/20: These were proposed by SU and seconded by TN that the notes be accepted as a true record. To be signed by the chairman at a later date.


5.Planning 051/20:  A decision on application 20/0822/RESM has been received. A planning application 20/1604/FUL for 46 Main St has been received with a closing date for comments of 24/12/2020.


6.Finance 052/20: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £18898.84 excluding unpresented cheques and prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.


Expenditure                  Clerk’s salary                           £   339.32

                        Clerk’s expenses                       £     44.44

                        Sutcliffe play swing seats          £   121.92

                        Anti-virus software                   £     89.99


Income                         Dorrington Welfare charity        £      85.65


A cheque has been processed for grass cutting.

The clerk has circulated a draft budget and precept requirement prior to the meeting for a decision in February.


7.Regeneration of Play Area 053/20:  Monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken by TN. Two replacement seats have been delivered and fitted by TN


8.Neighbourhood Plan 054/20: Last meeting it was decided to defer this for six months. SU has informed the grant agency and the consultants and BD has informed Community Lincs

Action; SU to inform NKDC.


  1. Standing Orders 055/20; The clerk had circulated a draft standing order. The document was considered and adopted by the parish council.

Action; Clerk to publish on website


10.Co-option of parish councillor 056/20:  Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies.


11.Playgarth 057/20: Tree works are ongoing, and the contractor has returned with a cherry picker to remove branches in the vicinity of the service cables. However, in the absence of Cllr RY further discussion on this item was deferred.

There is an issue of misuse by an individual exercising her horses on the playing field and the repeat of this activity will be monitored.


12.RoSPA Report 058/20: Timber surrounds to removed equipment has been removed by TN


  1. Billinghay Review (drainage) 059/20; A request for respond to Environment Agency and Witham Drainage Board’s review of Billinghay drainage has been received. The reply has been completed by BD.


  1. Website Design 060/20: With the introduction of a new website design by the county council to replace redundant one and with the need to use sites such as this to comply with Transparency Code, the clerk felt that the complexity of the web design was beyond his IT skills. However, LALC forwarded the contact details of Mr P Langford who was offering to set up the LCC site for free. The clerk has been in contact with him and after retrieval of all old documents, work on the development the new site is ongoing. Following enquiries regarding compensation for Mr Langford, he reinstated that his services were free but if the parish council felt payment appropriate, a donation to the RAF Benevolent Fund would be appreciated. It was agreed that a donation of £50 be paid once work on site is completed.


  1. Naming 1-4 Playgarth 061/20: TN had previously expressed his concern regarding the numbering of these properties which were on Main St. The clerk had been in contact with NKDC and before they can progress this the parish council would have to be engaged with all the occupants and 100% of them must be in favour of changing their postal addresses. As an alternative the sign could be relocated from the east end to nearer the Playgarth junction. This was agreed as an adequate alternative.

Action: Clerk to contact NKDC


Cllr Drury joined the meeting at this point and resumed the chair.


16.Correspondence 062/20: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence.


  1. Items for next agenda 063/20: The clerk has self-adhesive signs that need attaching to the telephone box where it currently says “Telephone”. There are also two information signs that need ejecting on the inside, if room can be found.

        Cycle route along the B1188.

        Action; Clerk to forward signs to BD


18.To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda items.


19.Confidential Notes: None


20.Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting is planned for 1 February 2021 at 7.00 via Zoom.


There being no other bus