May 2020 Minutes
Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Hayes, Newton, Young and Unwin.
Parish Clerk Garton
NKDC Cllr Clegg
This meeting was held during covid19 restrictions using Zoom virtual meeting.
Public Forum: No members of the public requested access to the meeting
Cllr Clegg informed the meeting of: MJ journal, 90% of staff home working, all meeting held remotely, refuse and other critical services being achieved, opening of refuse tips, reduction in crime and grant availability to local businesses.
PCSO Woolerton did not attend and didn’t send a report.
Election of Chairman 001/20: Cllr Hayes nominated Cllr Drury to continue as chairman for the next year and was seconded by Cllr Newton. Cllr Drury accepted the nomination and was unanimously voted in.
1. Chairman's Welcome: The Chairman thanked all parish councillors for attending.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllr Clarke sent his apology.
3. Declaration of Interest: None.
4. Notes of previous meeting held on 19 March 2020: These were proposed by SU and seconded by JH that the notes be accepted as a true record. To be signed by the chairman at a later date.
5. Planning 002/20: A decision on planning application 20/0137/HOUS for 98 Main St has been received. Planning application 20/0531/FUL for an agricultural dwelling house at poultry rearing farm, Fen Road has been received. It was decide d to submit comments that the design of the house was felt ex cessive and in conflict with its environment setting.
6. Finance 003/20: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £22344.including unpresented cheques and prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.
Silhouette £ 315.00
Chapel rent
£ 80.00
Clerk’s salary £ 309.68
TP Jones £ 67.20
HMRC £ 77.40
Clerk’s expenses £ 55.50
Community Lincs £ 2175.00
I Billyard Imageville £ 44.05
Open Plan Consulta nts £ 2717.28
Information Commissioner £ 40.00
Precept £ 5400.00
Allotment Rents £ 40.00
A bank transfer form had been signed and actioned.
The parish laptop camera was found to be inoperable and a remote webcam has been purchased.
Therefore, cheques for £49.69 w ebcam for £382.64 for Zurich Municipal for insurance and for £1324.55 to Groundworks UK for refund of 2019/20 unspent Neighbourhood Plan grant monies were all approved. The clerk would obtain signatures
The clerk confirmed that all allotment rents have been received.
The end of year financial report was discussed. Our internal auditor had examined the accounts and completed the statement as necessary. The clerk would now complete and sign all the external auditor’s prescribed forms, forward them to the chairman for signature, and upon their return submit the exemption form to the external auditor.
7. Regeneration of Play Area 004/20: Monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken by TN
8. Neighbourhood Plan 005/20: The chairman reported on the progress of neighbourhood plan A grant application wou ld be made for 2020/21 expenditure
9. Co option of parish councillor 006/20: Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies.
Action: Clerk to put notices on web site and notice board and JH to put article on parish community Facebook page.
10. Representative for Welfare Charity 007/20: RY still endeavouring to contact Sue Tong.
11. Playgarth 008/20: A tree maintenance quote has been received and approved from Tom Hall Tree Surgeon to undertaken necessary works to Playgarth trees as recommended by NKDC tree inspectors.
Action: RY confirmed acceptance of quote from approved contractor and the work would commence in the near future, with all identified task done at the same time
12. Painting of Telephone Box 009/20: This is outstanding, and the preferred contractor has now withdrawn so there is a requirement to find a replacement. A quote for the painting of the exterior has been obtained but it was decided th at an additional quote for painting the interior was also necessary, and, if possible, another quote would be preferred, but not essential
Action: RY to obtain additional quote for interior.
13. Correspondence 010/20: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence, listed below, and there was no further action necessary; LCC cutting of public right of ways. Citizens Advice Bureau grant appeal.
14. Items for next agenda 011/20: None
15. To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda items.
16. Confidential Notes: None
17. Date and time of next meeting: Due to the limiting time available using virtual platform it was decided to change to monthly meetings. Therefore, the next meeting is planned for 8 June at 7.00 via Zoom.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.40.