January 2021 Minutes
Present: Cllrs Drury, Unwin, Hayes and Newton.
Parish Clerk Garton
This meeting was held during covid19 restrictions using Zoom virtual meeting.
Public Forum: One members of the public requested access and attended the meeting.
- Chairman's Welcome: The Chair thanked all parish councillors for attending.
- Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllrs Clegg, Kendrick and Clarke sent their apologises.
- Declaration of Interest: None
- Notes of previous meeting held on 7 December 2020, 064/20: These were proposed by SU and seconded by TN that the notes be accepted as a true record. To be signed by the chairman at a later date.
- Planning 065/20: A decision on application 20/0531/FUL has been received. A planning application 20/1749/HOUS for replacement garage 90B Main St has been received with a closing date for comments of 23.1.2021. A revised planning application 20/1733/VARCON for The Old Dairy, Main Street has been received with a closing date for comments of 31.1.2021.
Action: Clerk to respond with “no comments”.
- Finance 066/20: The clerk has circulated a revised draft budget and precept requirement prior to the meeting. After discussion is was proposed by TN and seconded by JH that the precept for 2021/2 should be £5500
Dorrington PCC have submitted a grant application for 2020/21 and it was proposed by TN and seconded by JH to make a grant payment of £550
The cheque issued for Arboritom has been rejected by the bank for eligible writing and will now have to be reissued.
Action: Clerk to raise two cheques.
- Regeneration of Play Area 067/20: Monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken by TN.
- Co-option of parish councillor 068/20: Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies. One member of the public has shown any interest in becoming a parish councillor and her application would be considered at the next meeting.
- Telephone Box 069/20: The interior and exterior of the telephone box have now been painted and the clerk has sent before and after pictures to Community Heartbeat as per the paint suppliers’ requirements. Internal information notices have been put up on the inside and notices saying “Defibrillator” have been affixed to the outside by BD. Replacement gauze pads have been purchased and will be inserted by JH.
- Highways Issues 070/20; The rapid deterioration of the Fen Road has already been drawn to the attention of Cllr Rob Kendrick who had said he would appraise it. It is hoped that a meeting between Highways Agency and parish council representative would occur soon when this, and other highway issues can be discussed. There is still an outstanding issue of blocked road gullies.
Action: Clerk to contact County Councillor about the process in unblock gullies.
- Cycle Path to Ruskington 071/20: The parish councillor is keen to pursue any opportunity for the development and designation of a dedicated cycle path. The clerk to contact Tamara Parrott and Rod Kendrick on the best way to process this.
- Web site design 072/20: Pete Langford has undertaken considerable work establishing the parish website and is available to assist the clerk in the future should difficulties be encounter. LALC offered to coordinate charity donations on his behalf for all the parishes he has assisted. We have informed them that we had agreed an amount of £50 and they will be sending an invoice soon.
- Naming 1-4 Playgarth 073/20: Following last month’s meeting, the clerk had been in contact with NKDC and they are looking at placing a street sign at both end of these house frontages.
- Correspondence 074/20: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence.
- Items for next agenda 075/20: New parish councillor, grass cutting contract, blocked road gullies, village green reseeding, 37 Main St hedge.
- To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda items.
- Confidential Notes: None
- Date and time of next meeting: The next meeting is planned for 8 March 2021 at 7.00 via Zoom.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 20.10