January 2022 Minutes
Monday 17 January 2022
Present ;
Cllr Drury (Chair), Cllrs Newton, Unwin, Carrington and Young.
Cllrs Kendrick (LCC)
In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer.
Public Forum
County Cllr Kendrick spoke of: Fix My Roads campaign to central government, and cutting of hedge previously reported, resurfacing of footpaths.
1. Chairperson's welcome: 001/22: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. This meeting replaces the December 2021 which was cancelled due to Omicron covid virus precaution.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence:002/22: Cllrs Hayes, Clegg (NKDC) and Clarke (NKDC)
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 003/22- None
4. Notes of previous meeting held on 1 November 2021: 004/22: These were proposed by HC and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record. Signed by the Chairman.
5. Planning: 005/22: None
6. Finance: 006/22: The Clerk circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting
Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:
Clerk’s expense inc anti-virus £139.26
Malc Firth £420.00
Rent £ 20.00
Temp clerk £ 84.70
Jaf Graphics £105.00
Clerk’s salary £324.60
HMRC £ 81.00
Bank charges £ 6.60
Interest £ 0.41
The Bank Balance is currently £16927.27
It was proposed by TN, Seconded by HC the following accounts be paid.
Clerk’s expenses £ 53.04
Dorrington Chapel Rent £ 20.00
The PCC have submitted a grant application of £550/600 which will need considering in the next financial year.
The 2022/3 budget and the subsequent precept amount was discussed. The clerk had already circulated the current year’s spend to date and the likely final year’s expenditure. After discussing the budget and impact of grass cutting increased expenditure and election costs, and the precept amount was proposed by BD and seconded by TN to be £6300. It was agreed by all. Budget will need amending to reflect this.
The payment for chapel rent and clerk’s expenses were agreed and cheques duly signed.
It has become apparent that the HSBC bank have changed our cheque account to a Charitable Account which attracts fees of £60 per year and £40p per cheque withdrawal. As a possible solution to avoid cheque charges would to open an on-line account. For this to happen each signatory (BD, TN and JH) of the account need to complete an on-line application.
HP Ink Replacement service have informed clerk that monthly fee for 50 copies per month will increase from £1.99 to £2.99 per month.
At previous meetings it was decided to accept LALC services for website basic maintenance. However, prior to this meeting the clerk was unable to manipulate the site and post agenda. Unfortunately, this contravenes Transparency Regulations, so the clerk took the emergency decision to enrol for full maintenance contract of £15 per month. The clerk asks the council to ratify his decision., which they unanimous agreed to.
Action: Signatories to complete bank request documents on-line to move account to on-line banking. Clerk to submit precept form to NKDC for £6300.
7. Regeneration of play areas: 007/22: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.
RoSPA Annual report action – The Chairman and TN also checked the junior swing unit to see if they need replacing or can be repaired. TN had treated timber with Creocoat. However, the longer-term plan is to replace the swing with alternative equipment.
Resident parking on the Playing filed was discussed which doesn’t seem to be an issue now.
The glass front to the Tom’s garden sign has been broken. BD will replace it with Perspex.
8. Co-option of new parish councillors: 008/22: – A vacancy for a parish councillor still exists, the chairman asked for suggestions of likely candidates. Clerk to post vacancy on Dorrington website.
9. Completion of electoral register 009/22: - The clerk required the preferred electoral register formats for HC and RY. BD, TN and SU haven’t received electoral register which the clerk will resolve with NKDC.
10. Fence between play area and new development.:010/22: - A letter has been sent to developer by the clerk and no response has been received. Remove this item from future agendas.
11. Safety Signage on Playgarth 011/22: The new sign has been installed.
12. Free Trees from LCC: 012/22: – We await supply issues with regards to the free trees subject to availability.
13. Maintenance of around surrounding cross: 013/22: – Awaiting paving by building contractors.
14. Odour from chicken farm: 015/22: No further progress to discuss. Remove this item from future agenda.
15. Notice board 016/22: - The type and style of a replacement notice board for the |Playgarth site was discussed. A wooden one will cost in the region of £1200-£1500 depending if you want a logo across the top, whilst a metal one will cost £500-£400. TN is in the progress of making a metal one to fit to the existing metal legs.
16. Stile Playgarth 017/22: The clerk has reported this on Fixmystreet but is still outstanding.
17. Correspondence: 018/22: The following correspondence has been circulated to the councillors prior to the meeting: NHS Consultation and Police precept was noted.
18. Items for next agenda: 019/22: Odour from chicken farm, road maintenance of Fen Road.
19. To resolve to move into confidential session: 020/22: None
20. Confidential notes:
21. Date and time of next meeting: 021/22: 7th March 2022
9.05 hrs. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.