May 2022 Minutes


Monday 16 May 2022


Present ; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Newton, Hayes, Unwin and Carrington.

Cllr Clarke (NKDC), 

In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer. Sam Owen for agenda item                5



Annual Parish Meeting 041/22. No organisation attended the meeting.


Cllr Rob Kendrick addressed the meeting highway issues, social care and children services, flooding prevention and fire training centre, BD hoped the conditions of the Fen Road would get favourable consideration

Cllr Jim Clark addressed the meeting re the report of NKDC And Chairman’s retirement, increase in housing provision

Cllr Clegg had sent his apologise but sent the councillors a report which the clerk had circulated.


Annual Meeting of The Parish Council 


Apologies and reason for absence 042/22: Cllr Clegg

Declarations of interest in agenda items 043/22; None

Chairman’s report 044/22: He thanked District and County Councillors for their regular attendance, help and advice through the year and thanked all the parish councillor for their regular attendance, their dedication and participation in running the Parish Council. A special thanks to our clerk for his outstanding efforts and commitment throughout the year, in what has been quite a difficult for everyone with Covid still lingering on.. At present the council holds a healthy bank balance in the account, but this could well come under pressure in the coming years if costs keep rising as they are now. It brings great pleasure to me personally finishing the year with a full team of councillors and I’m pleased to say that the village has never looked better or been a more desirable place to live.

Election of the Chairman. 045/22 Nominations from TN and SU that Bill Drury be elected as Chairman. He agreed to this and signed the declaration. It is recommended that parish councils’ appointment a vice-chair, but it is at the discretion of this council. And it was decided that at the moment not to appoint a vice chairman






Parish Council Meeting



1. Notes of previous meeting held on 7 March 2022: 046/22:   These were proposed by BD and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record.  Signed by the Chairman.


2. Planning: 047/22:  A planning application 222/0208/OUT has been received for land east of 110 Main St with a closing date for comments 24/04/2022. No comments. Decision notice issued for 22/0291/HOUS 107 Main DSt


3. Finance: 048/22:    The Clerk circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting


Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:

Clerk’s expense £  54.63

Rent £   20.00

Bank charges £   18.68

LALC membership £  143.33

Clerk’s salary £  324.40

HMRC £   81.20

PCC Grant £  550.00

TP Jones payroll £  67.20

Information Commissioner £  40.00

LALC Web Maint £  54.00


Since the last meeting the following amounts have been received

Precept £ 6300.00

Allotment Rents £   40.00

Interest      0.50




    The Bank Balance is currently £21835.09


The following accounts were approved for payment be paid.

Dorrington Chapel Rent £   20.00

        LALC web Maintenance £ 180.00

MalcFirth £ 220.50


The insurance cover was discussed, and it was agreed to pay the premium of 394.12


The internal auditor has audited our accounts and presented and signed the internal audit report


Section 1 Annual Governance Statement 049/22 The meeting went through their responsibilities and it was completed and signed by the clerk and the chairman


Section 2 Accounting Statement 2021/22 050/22 was approved and signed by the clerk and chairman


Certificate of Exemption AGAR 2021/22 Form 2 051/22 was signed by the clerk and chairman.


The other support documents 052/22: annual accounts, bank reconciliation, fixed assets, and variance explanation were reviewed and signed by thee clerk and chairman.


4. Regeneration of play areas: 053/22: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.

The glass front to the Tom’s garden sign has been broken and figurine missing, and BD has replaced it with Perspex front and a new figurine.


5. Co-option of new parish councillors: 054/22: –Sam Owen has asked to be considered. It was agreed unanimously to co-opt him, and he was given the Declaration of Acceptance and Disclosable Pecuniary Form to sign


6. Hedge 37 Mains 055/22:  The new residents have agreed cut this hedge


7. On-Line Banking 056/22: Despite assurance from Lloyds that the service would be free this provided to be not true after the initial year. The chair suggested that we stay with HSBC and complete the online banking form. However, before this can be done, we need to identify two councillors who are prepared to authories payments processed by the clerk. These would agreed to be BD and JH


8. Gov email addresses 057/22: LALC have suggested that in order to comply with GDPA we adopt a web address for each councillor and clerk. It will cost £80 for the first year and then £40 for each subsequent year. In the interim the meeting agreed to keep the current system under review.


9. Increase in dog fouling 058/22: – No further action. Investigate public information poster


10. Odour from Chicken Farm: 059/22: – No problem at the meeting                


11. Notice board 060/22: - TN has made a metal one to fit to the existing metal legs. To be fitted by BD and TN.Nominal value for asset register is £1000 and the WI bench is £450.


12. Correspondence: 061/22: The clerk has reported two missing road signs on the B1188 to the north of the junction on Fixmystreet


13. Items for next agenda: 062/22:  State of Digby footpath on Playgarth. Footbridge on the Ruskington path, road gulley at east end of Main Street


14. To resolve to move into confidential session: 063/22: None


15. Date and time of next meeting: 4 July 2022


8.30 hrs. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.