July 2022 Minutes



Monday 4 July 2022


Present ; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Young, Hayes, Unwin, and Carrington.

Cllrs Kendrick (LCC), Clarke (NKDC)

In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum – one-member of public present - Cllr Walker from Ashby-de-la- Launde Parish Council


Cllr Walker addressed the meeting about one of his resident’s concerns of the speed on the B1188


County Cllr Kendrick spoke of the latest statistical road safety investigation. He said he would ask Highways to review the existing speed limit of 50mph. He advised that the process would take some time due to legalities of the process. He reminded the meeting of voluntary Speedwatch scheme and the positive effects of entrance gates on highway verges. He also spoke of Lincolnshire Show and Food Hub and graduate employment.


NKDC Councillor Clarke spoke of: scrutiny committee which the public can attend via prior appointment from democratic services, standards in public service.

1. Chairperson's welcome: 064/22:  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  


2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 065/22: Cllr Clegg has sent his apologise. Cllr Newton has also sent his apologise due to personal reason which were accepted by the meeting. Unfortunately, Sam Owen is no longer able to assume a role on the Parish Council and so the Council continues to have a vacant seat. The clerk will liaise with Electoral Services again at the District Council to make them aware of the vacancy. The clerk has already sent Sam Owen an email of thanks. Full Parish Council elections will be held next year.


3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 066/22: None


4. Notes of previous meeting held on 17 January 2022: 067//22:   These were proposed by HC and seconded by JH that the notes be accepted as a true record.  Signed by the Chairman.


5. Planning: 068/22:  A planning application 22/0753/FUL has been received for land at the rear of 95 Main ST with a closing date for comments 25/3/2022. No comments. 

Planning application 22/0208/OUT for land to east of 110 of Main St has been withdrawn.


6. Finance: 069/22:    The Clerk circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting


Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:

Clerk’s salary £ 385.78

Rent £   20.00

Bank charges £    6.60

LALC web maint £  180.00

MalcFirth grass £ 220.50

HMRC £   96.20

Insurance £  394.12


Since last meeting the following amounts have been received


Interest £    2.26


    The Bank Balance is currently £20103.65 after unpresented cheques cleared.


The clerk reported that he is struggling with the on-line banking application but will endeavour to complete asap. The first step is for the clerk to be a signatory and accordingly a bank mandate was signed by the chairman.


It was proposed by TN, seconded by HC the following accounts be paid.

Dorrington Chapel Rent £  25.00

Clerk’s expenses                    £  94.44.

Community Heartbeat £162.00


Action: Clerk to submit banking mandate


7. Regeneration of play areas: 070/22: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.

RoSPA inspection of play equipment imminent.


8. Digby footpath on Playgarth: 071/22:  Subsequently resolved.


9. NKDC Code of Conduct: 072/22- NKDC have published a new code of conduct. It was agreed to adopt, and each councillor present completed individual receipt form.  


10. Footbridge on path to Ruskington 073/22: the exact location of the damaged footbridge was established

Action: Clerk to register on Fixmystreet.


11. Road Gulley at east end of Main St 074/22:  There is an unresolved problem with this gulley and getting the appropriate agency to accept responsibility and repair.

Action: Clerk to contact Highways for a site meeting.


12. Bonfire Night Celebrations 075/22:  HC to liaise with Sam Owen to ascertain his plans and if necessary, suggest that he attends the next parish council next meeting.


13. Allotment Letter: 076/22: – Following a communication from a neighbour allotment holder about the state of the untended allotment a letter was sent to the allotment leaser to enquire of their intention for maintenance of the allotment. To date no replied received. Decided the next course of action to be send a further letter with a response deadline.

Action: Clerk to write to the allotment holder.


14. Speeding on B1188 077/22: –An email has been received from an Ashby-de-la-Launde resident concerning speeding on the B1188 and a recent accident. This item was discussed during public forum. The meeting felt that 30mph would be more appropriate.


15. Correspondence: 078/22:  Lincoln Police newsletter, NHS engagement bulletin, LCC countryside access grass cutting, Cllr Kendrick volunteering scheme


16. Items for next agenda: 079/22:  The hedge of 101 Main St (The Priory), condition of  Fen Road adjacent Tower Farm, Community Speedwatch


17. To resolve to move into confidential session: 080/22:  No items


18. Confidential notes 081/22: Separate minutes


19. Date and time of next meeting: 082/22:  5 September 2022 


9.00 hrs. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed