November 2022 Minutes


Monday 21 November 2022


Present ; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Unwin, Newton, Hayes, Young and Carrington.

Cllrs Kendrick (LCC) 

In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum – Two members of the public present and asked about speeding agricultural vehicles and pot holes opposite pond.

County Cllr Kendrick spoke of funding opportunities, review of current speed limit on B1188. LCC and Usher art gallery award. Cllr Drury raised Highways have repaired the wrong junction and it should have been the brick pit lane junction. Cllr Drury raised road surface around Tower Farm. Cllr Unwin raised the blocked gulley – if the Fixmystreet reference number is sent to him he will pursue. 

1. Chairperson's welcome: 103/22:  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  


2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 104/22: Cllrs Clegg and Clarke sent their apologies.


3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 105/22: None. The revised declarations forms were completed by BD and RY. Clerk to submit to NKDC Electoral Service.


4. Notes of previous meeting held on 5 September 2022: 106//22:   These were proposed by SU and seconded by HC that the notes be accepted as a true record.  Signed by the Chairman.


5. Planning: 107/22:  Planning applications received include 22/1472/FUL 94 Main St and 22/1378/FUL Kirk House No comments were forthcoming.

22/1000/HOUS 93 Main St extension decision notice, 22/1277/HOUS 45 Main St decision notice and 22/1228/HOUS 45 Main St decision notice.


6. Finance: 108/22:    The Clerk circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting


Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:

Clerk’s salary £  336.68

HMRC £   84.20

Rent £   50.00

Bank charges £   19.00

Playsafety £   88.20

MalcFirth grass £  661.50


Since last meeting the following amounts have been received

Interest £      5.01


    The Bank Balance is currently £18694.19 after unpresented cheques cleared.


Due to confusion at HMRC the mandate adding the clerk GP Garton as a signatory as agreed at the last meeting was submitted by the clerk. However, the bank had rejected the form because two signatures were required so a new form was completed.


It was unanimously agreed to purchase a Queen Canopy tree protector which has already occurred and has been paid for Cllr Newton. It was also agreed to reimburse Cllr Newton. It was agreed that following accounts be paid.

Dorrington Chapel Rent     £  25.00

Cllr T Newton             £ 280.14

MalcFirth grass cutting             £ 220.50


The 2022 clerk’s pay scales have been released. After discussion it was unanimously agreed to pay the addition £1.00 per hour backdated to 1 April 2022   


Action: Clerk to submit banking mandate and inform payroll provider of clerk’s new rate.


Cllr Kendrick attended meeting, spoke to the council and subsequently departed.


7. Regeneration of play areas: 109/22: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.

It was decided not to proceed with replacing junior swings. It was agreed to approach Kirk House for grant towards replacement playground equipment following condemming of wooden junior swings.

Action: Clerk to write to Kirk House enquiring of type of equipment suitable for their residents and invite to next meeting.


Cllr RY left meeting at this point.


8. NKDC Tree Inspection: 110/22:  The tri-annual tree inspection is now due to comply with insurance. It was agreed to contract NKDC for it to occur. 


9. Road Gulley at east end of Main St: 111/22- Reported to Cllr Kendrick’s for his attention. It was felt that a full sluicing out of the soakaway is necessary for it to function. Cllr Kendrick to investigate.


10. Speeding on the B!188: 112/22: Following assistance from Cllr Kendrick the LCC are proposing to initiate an archer speed survey to assess the situation. It was noted that Digby have succeeded following consultation to have a similar stretch of the B1188 highway speed limit reduced to 40mph.


11. Allotment:  113/22: No further action.


12. Highway Fen Road adjacent Tower Farm: 114/22: This issue was referred to Cllr Kendrick who is to investigate next year budget.


13. Trees on verge near allotments: 115/22:  Three shrubs plus protectors are to be purchased with a budget of £50.

Action: HC to purchase and present receipt for reimbursement.


14. Grass cutting contract: 116/22: The council currently used MalcFirtrh Landscapes and it is felt to work well. However, it was decided to obtain further quotes.


15. Correspondence: 117/22:  LALC cost of living challenge, Police and Crime Commissioner survey, and LCC/NHS children and mental health


16. Items for next agenda: 118/22:  Goal posts, Playgarth trees. 39 and 41 Main \St hedges, crack in cross.


17. To resolve to move into confidential session: 119/22:  


18. Confidential notes 120/22:  None


19. Date and time of next meeting: 121/22:  16 January 2022 


9.10 hrs. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.