September 2022 Minutes


Monday 5 September 2022


Present ; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Unwin, and Carrington.

Cllrs Kendrick (LCC

In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum – County Cllr Kendrick spoke of the Health Food project for children in the area, community bids for projects next March to be provided by Highways. 


Cllr Unwin raised gulley in Main St (agenda item 9). Cllr Drury raised the state of the Fen Road (agenda item 14) which Cllr Kendrick noted.  Also, the encroachment of hedge at Kirk House.

1. Chairperson's welcome: 083/22:  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  


2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 084/22: Cllr Hayes and Young had sent their apologise for absence due to ill health, which was accepted by the meeting. Cllr Clegg and Cllr Clarke have sent their apologise. 


3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 085/22: None. The revised declarations form was completed by all present. The clerk would endeavour to get the remaining 3 forms completed by absent councillors as soon as possible.


4. Notes of previous meeting held on 4 July 2022: 086//22:   These were proposed by SU and seconded by HC that the notes be accepted as a true record.  Signed by the Chairman.


5. Planning: 087/22:  Planning applications received include 22/100/HOUS 93 Main St extension, 22/1006/FUL Old Chapel, 117 Main St, 22/1277/HOUS 45 Main St have been received and no comments were recorded. Application 22/0753/FUL land to rear of 95 Main St decision notice.


6. Finance: 088/22:    The Clerk circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting


Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:

Clerk’s expenses £   69.44

Rent £   25.00

Bank charges £   13.20

Internal Audit  £   25.00

MalcFirth grass £  651.00

Community Heartbeat £  162.00


Since last meeting the following amounts have been received

HMRC VAT refund £   370.42


    The Bank Balance is currently £19958.93 after unpresented cheques cleared.


Due to confusion at HMRC the mandate adding the clerk GP Garton as a signatory as agreed at the last meeting was duly signed by the chairman. Once this has been processed by the bank, we can complete on-line banking forms. It was unanimously agreed again that the clerk would become a signatory.


It was proposed SU, seconded by HC the following accounts be paid.

Dorrington Chapel Rent £  25.00

Playsafety ROSPA        £   88.20

MalcFirth grass cutting £ 220.50


Action: Clerk to submit banking mandate


7. Regeneration of play areas: 089/22: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.

RoSPA inspection of play equipment has been received and circulated. After consideration it was agreed to obtain quotes for replacement equipment and Lincolnshire Co-Operative society for grant funding.

Action: Clerk to obtain quotes for junior swings


8. Hedge at bottom of Playgarth: 090/22:  Clerk to ascertain from NKDC if the property is social housing.


9. Road Gulley at east end of Main St: 091/22- Reported to Cllr Kendrick’s for his attention. It was felt that a full sluicing out of the soakaway is necessary for it to function.


10. Bonfire Night Celebrations: 092/22: Plans have been received for a community bonfire on the playgarth field. After consideration it was unanimously agreed not to progress with this plan.

Action: Cllrs to convey this decision to Mr Owen.


11. Allotment:  093/22:  As agreed at the last meeting the clerk was requested to send a letter to the allotment holder. After producing a draft letter, sending it was delayed because the chairman thought efforts had been made by the allotment holder to maintain the plot. For the moment it was agreed to keep this under review.


12. Speeding on B1188: 094/22: An email has been received from an Ashby-de-la-Launde councillor stating their approval for attempting to achieve a reduction in speed limit. Cllr Kendrick to discuss with Ashby-de-la-Launde parish council before progressing. The meeting felt that the appropriate speed limit of 30mph needs to cover the road from the Church to beyond Moor Lane. BD to consult with Ashby-de-la-Launde chairmen.


13. Hedge at 101 Main St: 095/22: BD has negotiated remedial action from resident. 


14. Highways, Fen Road adjacent to Tower Farm: 096/22: Cllr Kendrick to consult with Highways.


15. NKDC Central Lincolnshire Local Plan site approval: 097/22: An amendment has been received. No comment.


16. Correspondence: 098/22:  NHS engagement newsletter, LALC Civility and Respect newsletter, Lincolnshire Police neighbourhood policing, LCC public Rights Of ay grass cutting and AW Lincs Reservoir plans.


17. Items for next agenda: 099/22:  Trees on verge near allotment, swings


18. To resolve to move into confidential session: 100/22:  One items


19. Confidential notes 101/22: See confidential minutes


20. Date and time of next meeting: 102/22:  21 November 2022 


8.40 hrs. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed.