January 2020 Minutes



Cllr Drury (Chair) Cllrs Newton and Unwin.

Parish Clerk Garton

District Councillors Clarke and Clegg

Public Forum: No members of the public in attendance.

Cllr Clegg reported on: boundary commission review (reviews@lgbce.org.uk)

Cllr Clarke reported on: local government budgets to be finalised in March

Cllrs Clegg and Clarke left the meeting.

PCSO Woolerton did not attend but did send a report.

1. Chairman's Welcome: The Chairman thanked all parish councillors for attending.

2. Apologies and reasons for absence: Cllr Hayes, Cllr Kendrick and PCSO Woolerton have sent their apologies

3. Declaration of Interest: TN expressed an interest in agenda item 068/19 dyke at rear of Playgarth

4. Notes of previous meeting held on 18 November 2019: These were proposed by TN and seconded by SU that the notes be accepted as a true record. Duly signed by the chairman.

5. Planning 06 1/19: A planning application 17/1590/FUL Kirk House has been received. No comments had been submitted.

6. Finance 062/19: The clerk had already circulated reconciliation. The available financial resources were £16864.62 prior to the approval of this meeting’s expenditure.


Glasdon bin £ 312.07
Chapel rent
£ 40.00
Clerk’s salary £ 309.67
Glendale grass cutting £ 73.39
HMRC £ 77.40


Interest £ 8.06

The payment of hall rental, bench from Wybone and clerk’s expenses were approved, and the cheques duly signed.

A grant of £643.31 has been received from the Lincolnshire CoOp towards the cost of providing a defibrillator in the village.

The 2020/21 budget and precept were discussed. It was agreed to apply for a precept of £5400, voted unanimous.

BD volunteered to talk with HSBC about banking business details.

Action: Clerk to write to Co

Op thanking them for their grant , BD to telephone HSBC

7. Regeneration of Play Area 063/19: Monthly inspections of playground equipment have been undertaken by TN.

The replacement bin adjacent Tom’s Garden has been ordered and received from Glasdon and is currently awaiting fitting by NKDC.

NKDC also has some surplus bins available at competitive prices. It was decided to ask NKDC if a bin is still available, if so, it was decided to stockpile it until a site is identified.

The clerk has asked Binbusters to clean seats of swings. This doesn’t appear to have been done yet.

Action: Clerk to enquire about surplus NKDC litter bin and contact Binbusters

8. Neighbourhood Plan 064/19: Approved minutes for the last meeting have been received by the clerk and circulated to all councillors. The chairman reported on the progress of neighbourhood plan.

Questionnaires have been circulated to all residents and ha ve been collected . An analysis of the questionnaires is expected at the next meeting of the group.

A grant of £6724 has been received from Groundworks towards planned expenditure.

Action: Clerk to invoice Dorrington Parish Neighbourhood Planning Group for village hall rental to date up to and including December 2020 meeting.

9. Co option of parish councillor 065/19: Two vacancies still exist for parish councillors. The parish council will continue to endeavour to fill these vacancies.

10. Replacement Bench near Musicians Arms 066/19: Bench has been ordered from Wybone and installed by Kevin Corcoran, at no cost to the parish.

11. Representative for Welfare Charity 067/19: RY had expressed an interest in this and was due to discuss the process with the charity secretary, but in his absence this item was deferred

12. Playgarth 068/19: No progress to date on the dyke at the rear of Playgarth

RY offered to investigate tree maintenance, but in his absence, this item was referred.

Shrub planting on the perimeter of the grassed areas was discussed. Should funds or free shrubs become available this was considered as a desirable location.

13. Grass Cutting 069/19: Amanda Gray has offered to cutting of grass of the village green and it was agreed to offer her a £85.00 donation towards the cost.

Grass cutting contract for 2020 was discussed and it was decided to obtain quotes for fortnightly cuts from end of March to end of September for all parish council areas.

Action: Obtain quote from Malc Firth, Spalding and write to Amanda Gray re grass cutting of village green.

14. Cleaning of Road Gullies 070/19: It was decided that the standing water on the highway may be caused by the lack of drainage from the road gullies.

Action: Clerk to contact highways for their attention.

15. Correspondence 071/19: The clerk had electronically circulated all relevant correspondence, listed below, and there was no further action necessary; LCC verge maintenance, NKDC grass cutting and Local Plan, LALC cluster meetings, Environment Agency incident report, YMCA Good Neighbour Scheme.

Action: Offer YMCA a presentation opportunity at a future parish council meeting

16. Items for next agenda 072/19: Ownership of medieval cross, water on highway from Kirk House

17. To resolve to move into Closed Section: There were no closed session agenda items.

There being no other business the meeting closed at 9.10pm. The next meeting wi ll be on Monday 16 March 2020 at 7.00pm.