January 2024 Minutes
Monday 15 January 2024
Present ; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Newton, Unwin, Jeram, Darby, Hayes and Bell
In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer
One member of public
Public Forum Claire Hanson from HomefromHome care introduced herself followed by introduction of council members. TN raised the issue of hedge line on B1188. Claire commented on the willingness of her company to consider financial assistance when parish council decide on new playground equipment has been decided on. Initial thoughts were a wheel chair friendly roundabout, Story circle and sensory gardens were discussed. JH handed across NKDC funding grant letter.
Claire Hanson left meeting at this point.
1. Chairperson's welcome: 090/23 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 091/23: Cllr Kendrick.- holiday.
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 092/23: TN declared an interest in 49 Main St as owner of a neighbouring property.
4. Notes of previous meeting including closed minutes held on 4 December 2023: 093/23: These were proposed by TN and seconded by JH that the notes be accepted as a true record. Signed by the Chairman.
5. Planning: 094/23: - 23/0947/FUL 121 Main St decision notice.
23/1539/FUL 49 Main St equestrian arena 28.1.24. The building is planned to be on a medieval sensitive site and will obstruct the designated public footpath.
Action; Clerk to respond with objections.
6. Finance: 095/23: The Clerk had circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting
Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:
Bank charges £ 6.60
Grass cutting £ 238.14
Since last meeting the following amounts have been received:
Interest £ 64.45
The Bank Balance is currently £19497.8 after unpresented cheques cleared.
It was agreed that following accounts be paid.
Hall rental £ 25.00
Clerk’s expense inc anti-virus £ 208.66
The precept for 2024/5 was discussed and it was unanimously agreed that the precept should be £7100. Proposed by TN and seconded by BD. Unanimous agreed.
7. Regeneration of play areas: 096/23: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.
Story corner seating in hand. Posts to be erected by BD and PD and is currently in hand.
Play tunnel. 3m x 900mm drainage pipe is required and a slide on top of the mound. BD has inspected “redundant” culvert pipes. The estimated cost of the slide is £4894 (stainless steel) and £2849 (plastic tube) plus delivery and installation. Surplus concrete culvert pipes have been identified but ownership needs to be identified.
The removal of the wooden swings which is pending drier conditions.
8. Allotment: 097/23: - Following last meeting it has come to light that 12 months’ notice is needed to cancel rental agreement. The tenancy of the allotments nos 1 and 4 rented to Atkins will cease now they are now longer residents of the village. Due to the uncultivated nature of allotment no 4 the parish council unanimously decided to terminate the allotment from 24 March 2024. Gillian Skipper has expressed an interest in an allotment and a discussion with her would be advisable due to the current state of the vacant allotment.
Action: Clerk to write to both tenants
9. B1188 40mph speed limit 098/23: - Cllr Kendrick reported that the speed limit installation is currently with the contractors but delayed due to recent flooding concerns.
10. Benches at Dixon Avenue 099/23: - All the damaged bench slats have been replaced by BD and the other bench slats have been preserved.
11. Ducks on Highway 100/23: - Thanks to the intervention of Cllr Kendrick, the highways department have offered to erect appropriate signs
12. Newsletter 101/23: - We currently have a web address for our web site and a parish council web address. It was thought that a fact sheet/newsletter would be beneficial.
Action: PD to produce a draft copy, clerk to assist with template.
13. Abandoned Car on Main St 102/23: - The car has been removed so no action necessary.
14. 2 Dixon St 103/23: - The state of the property was discussed with no further action.
15. Hedge at 70 Main St 104/23: - The hedge is overhanging the public footpath
Action BD to discuss with owner.
16. D-Day celebration 06/06/2024 105/23: - Discussed but decided no action.
17. Electoral Register 106/23: - Application for NKDC register for Dorrington was distributed with advice on completion and submission.
18. Website item 107/23: - LALC officer Pete Langford has offered to insert informative information onto our web site. Agreed to add to website.
19. Correspondence: 108/23: LCC road closure for Main Street notification. New defibrillator pads have been supplied by Community Heartbeat to be fitted by JH
Action: JH fitted replacement pads and resolve kiosk lighting
20. Items for next agenda: 109/23: Flooding. Meeting room.
21. To resolve to move into confidential session: 110/23: None
22. Confidential notes 111/23: None
23. Date and time of next meeting: 112/32: Next meeting Monday 18 March 2024
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 20.50.
To be added when available.