November 2024 minutes
Monday 4 November 2024
Present; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Unwin, Newton, Bell and Darby
Cllr Kendrick LCC
In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Office
Public Forum: Cllr Kendrick reported on road resurfacing, Horncastle special school reconstruction, Lincoln castle outdoor concerts.
1. Chairperson's welcome: 070/24 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 071/24: Cllr Bailey sent her apology. Cllr Hayes had apologised for late attendance.
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 072/24: None
4. Notes of previous meeting held on 16 September 2024: 073/24: These were proposed by SU and seconded by PB that the notes be accepted as a true record. Signed by the Chairman.
5. Planning: 074/24: -
The establishment of a planning sub-committee required the approval of terms of reference. The subcommittee presented a draft terms of reference which required minor amendments to be completed by SU. The final document would be approved at the 2025 annual meeting. The first application considered was 24/1016/FUL and there were no objections, which had been reported to the planning authority. Some parish councillors including planning sub-committee councillors have responded to the Design Code consultation. Other items were suggested for inclusions including village meeting places, which PD would submit.
Other planning applications were:
23/0869/FUL – 2 Main St, Musician Arms decision notice
23/0749/PNND – Poultry Farm decision notice
23/0492/VARCON – Cllr Bailey offered to research. In her absence this was deferred.
23/0416/FUL Fen Rd appeal
Cllr Hayes joined the meeting.
6. Finance: 055/24: The Clerk had circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting
Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:
Bank charges £ 13.28
Clerk’s salary £ 388.68
HMRC £ 97.20
RoSPA £ 201.60
Rent £ 25.00
Laptop £ 399.99
Grass cutting £ 514.36
Since last meeting the following amounts have been received:
NKRPF grant £ 4265.65
Interest £ 47.31
The Bank Balance is currently £19405.88 after unpresented cheques cleared.
It was agreed that following accounts be paid.
Hall rental £ 25.00
Clerk’s expenses £ 107.52
Kingfisher £ 230.14
Malcfirth Landscapes £ 257.18
The clerks informed the meeting that the salary levels for clerks from 1 April 2024 had finally been approved. The clerk’s new salary will be £15.33 ph (which equates to an increase of £43.00 pa) and would need backdating. It was approved by meeting.
Following receipt of grant monies, the balance in the charity bank account had increased. It was agreed to transfer surplus amounts to the business money manage account. Clerk to process.
7. Regeneration of play areas: 076/24: – Playground equipment monthly inspection to be carried out by TN.
Story corner has been completed. It was decided to install 6no adult seating if timber is available. To be completed by BD. PD has supplied a sign to fix to one of the posts to be erected by BD. Removal of algae is required.
Outdoor exercise equipment grants response outstanding with closing date 31.12.24. PD to chase public responses, collate and submit.
RoSPA report. Freshairfitness have received copy of report and inspected the installation. Some items were rectified, and they have sent an email confirming the other items are to the required standard. All councillors have received a copy of this report prior to the meeting. The contents were accepted.
The removal of two pieces of wooden equipment is outstanding.
8. Highway Issues: 077/24 – None
9. Vacancy: 078/24 – The closing date for applications has passed and no volunteers have come forward. The council will endeavour to fill the vacancy. PB to reinsert on Facebook.
10. Allotment: 079/24: - The NKDC tree officer report has been circulated. After consideration the report was accepted, and it was agreed to take no further action. It was noted that the three-year tree inspection was due in early 2025 therefore the trees would be inspected again.
11. Litter Bin at Waverley: 080/24: - A new bin and support post has been purchased and received. To be erected by BD. Clerk to inform NKDC environmental health of new bins and pass on key once completed.
12. Waver boundaries 081/24: - The latest boundary was discussed. To be discussed further at next meeting.
13. Village Green Boundary 082/24: - Bd has approached the residents who respect the ownership of the area and acknowledge the parish council ownership of the land.
14. Free trees 083/24: Following email from Ben Green Woodland Trust re fee hedge or copse it was decided not to proceed.
15. Correspondence: 084/24: - B1188 speed watch results noted
Councillor training JH induction training. To be booked by clerk
16. Items for next agenda: 085/24: Forming play area subcommittee. Damage to Tom’s Garden fencing. Renumbering of allotments 1 and 4 to allotment 1. Advisory sign and dog signage on Playgarth.
17. To resolve to move into confidential session: 086/24: None
18. Confidential notes 087/24: None
19. Date and time of next meeting: 088/24: 6 January 2025 which will include precept amount agreement.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21.00.