May 2024 minutes
Monday 20 May 2024
Present ; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Newton, Hayes, Jeram, Bell, Unwin and Darby
Annual Parish Meeting 007/24. No organisation attended the meeting
Annual Meeting of The Parish Council 008/24
Cllr Drury welcomed everyone to the meeting
1. Apologies and reason for absence 009/24: None
2. Chairman’s report 010/24: I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the parish Councillors for their attendance at meetings throughout the year and for their additional work in supporting the running of Dorrington Parish Council.
The recent success in gaining the grant money towards the outdoor gym equipment will be available and to benefit for all residents of Dorrington.
I would also like to offer my sincere thanks to the clerk for his outstanding commitment, advice and the consideration work he has undertaken in his role again this year.
My thanks also to the County and District Councillors for their attendance and support for Dorrington Parish.
I am once again pleased to report that the Parish Council retains a healthy bank balance as we move into a new year with fresh challenges.
3.Election of the Chairman. 011/24: The clerk asked for nominations for chairman. Nomination from TN and seconded by PD that Bill Drury be elected as Chairman which he accepted. Unanimously agreed. He agreed to this and signed the declaration.
4.Election of the Vice- Chairman. 012/24: Nomination from JH and seconded by PD that Tim Newton be elected as Chairman which he accepted. Unanimously agreed. He agreed to this and signed the declaration.
Parish Council Meeting
1. Notes of previous meeting held on 18 March 2024 and 13 May 2024, 013/24: The notes be accepted as a true record. Signed by the Chairman.
2. Agree and Sign Annual Governance Statement 014/24: Unanimously agreed and signed by chairman and clerk
3. Agree and Sign Accounting Statement 015/24: Unanimously agreed and signed by chairman and clerk
4. Agree and sign Certification of Exemption 016/24: Unanimously agreed and signed by chairman and clerk
5. Agree and sign end of year accounts 017/24: Swings to be removed from asset register but unanimously agreed and signed by clerk and chair
6. Planning 23/1539/FUL Laythorpe Barn 49 Main Street 018/24: Decision notice
7. Finance: 019/24/23: The Clerk circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting
Since the last meeting the following accounts have been paid
Clerk’s salary £388.68
Bank charges £ 12.84
HMRC £ 97.20
Hall rental £ 25.00
Payroll provider £ 73.92
Grass cutting £238.14
Data protection register £ 40.00
Insurance £496.56
Since the last meeting the following amounts have been received
Precept £7100.00
Allotment rents £ 20.00
The current balance is £24,760.40 after unpresented cheques.
The following amounts were approved for payment.
Dorrington Chapel Rent £ 25.00
G Drury printing costs £ 36.00
Grass cutting £ 257.18
P Eastwood £ 40.00
8. Regeneration of play areas: 020/24: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.
Poetry corner outstanding. Position to be decided.
Public consultation re exercise equipment purchase has concluded and for the most part was positive. The grant board have been informed and the grant has been awarded.
An order has been placed Fresh Air Fitness for supply and install 6 pieces of equipment for a total cost of £1118.75. Funding will comprise of a £5000.00 grant from HomefromHome and £4265.65 from North Kesteven Rural England Prosperity Fund. The next stage is to meet with contractors to decide on location of equipment
9. Allotments: 021/24: – Rental agreement and invoice sent for plot 1 and 4 and letter granting permission for greenhouse sent to plot 2 tenant. Clerk to contact other allotment applicant.
10. Fen Road; 022/24: BD reiterated the importance of reporting on Fixmystreet with measurements
11. B1188 Speed Limit Between Dorrington and Rustington: 023/24; The clerk has been unofficial notified that the County Council are looking at extending the 40mph speed limit to Rustington’s 30mph starting point.
12. Newsletter 024/24: Outstanding
13. PCC grant application 025/24: Dorrington PCC have approached the council for a grant towards their cost of graveyard maintenance. It was proposed by JH and seconded by PB to award them a grant of £600. Majority agreed. A cheque was duly signed.
14. Shelter on Playgarth 026/24: JH presented to the meeting her preference for a playground shelter. TN to investigate on-site equipment.
Cllr Kendrick joined the meeting.
Distributed notice board posters. Items of interest were sound financial standing, and more monies budgeted for road repairs and flood relief, devolution of Greater Lincolnshire giving £20 million pounds over the next 20 years and £28 million in capital income with the election of a mayor, Lincolnshire usage for TV etc entertainment activities, trading standard success on forfeit cigarettes, registration services, outstanding OFSTED report on children services.
PD requested if Highways could erect a similar duck warning sign on the east side of the pond. Cllr Kendrick to investigate.
BD drew his attention to the agenda item re Fen Road surface and JH likewise re the Playgarth roads.
Cllr Kendrick left the meeting at this point.
15. Correspondence 027/24: Highways Volunteering Day deadline 5 June.
16. Items for Next Agenda 028/24: Recent development on Main St and agricultural access – application no 23/0492/VARCON. Periodic inspection of allotments. Litter bin with lid at Waverley. Wheelchair friendly path on Playgarth.
17. To resolve to move into confidential session.029/24: None
18. Confidential notes: None
19. Date and Time of Next Meeting 030/24: 15 July
The meeting closed at 8.50pm