July 2024 Minutes
Monday 15 July 2024
Present ; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Newton, Unwin, Bell, Jeram and Darby
In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Office
Public Forum: No public present
1. Chairperson's welcome: 031/24 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 032/24: Absent Cllr Hayes (holiday) which was accepted by meeting. Cllr Bailey also sent her apologise.
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 033/24: None
4. Notes of previous meeting held on 20 May2024: 034/24: These were proposed by BD and seconded by TN that the notes be accepted as a true record. Signed by the Chairman.
5. Planning: 035/24: - 23/1416/FUL - Fen Rd appeal notice
23/0416/VARCON – Main St farm access.
Action: To seek the advice of Cllr Bailey, NKDC re farm access
6. Finance: 036/24: The Clerk had circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting
Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:
Bank charges £ 26.84
Clerk’s salary £ 388.68
HMRC £ 184.20
Rent £ 75.00
Clerk’s expense/antivirus £ 108.42
Payroll provider £ 73.92
Grass cutting £ 752.50
Data protection £ 40.00
Insurance £ 495.56
Printing £ 76.00
PCC grant £ 600.00
Exercise equipment £ 5559.39
Community Heartbeat £ 162.00
Since last meeting the following amounts have been received:
Interest £ 91.45
Allotment rent £ 20.00
Precept £ 7100.00
The Bank Balance is currently £18124.82 after unpresented cheques cleared.
It was agreed that following accounts be paid.
Hall rental £ 25.00
Clerk’s expenses £ 155.77
MalcFirth Landscapes £ 257.18
7. Regeneration of play areas: 037/24: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.
Story corner has been completed. It was decided to install 6no adult seating if timber is available. A sign has been supplied by PD to fix to one of the posts. Taken by BD.
Following site inspection an order for outdoor exercise equipment has been submitted along with a 50% deposit. Interim Grant application completed and sent.
RoSPA inspection due.
8. Highway Issues 038/24 – The clerk suggested that this becomes a standard agenda item to enable reporting of potholes etc.
9. Allotment: 039/24: -Plots no 1 and 4 occupants have asked if they can have permission to removal 2 leylandii trees. After discussion it was agreed there is a need to establish the allotment boundary and the location of the trees in relation to this.
It was felt that the council needed to conduct periodic inspection of the allotment. Towards this end it was agreed to form an allotment subcommittee comprising of all available councillors.
Action: Clerk to locate site plan
10. Shelter of Playgarth 040/24: - PD to obtain interim prices.
11. Litter bin at Waverley 041/24: - It was agreed to obtain quotes for a metal bin and post.
Action: clerk to obtain three quotes for next meeting
12. Newsletter 042/24: - Remove from agenda but use PD to ask Pick Butchers in they can be an information outlet.
13. Wheelchair friendly path on Playgarth 043/24: - Decided to ask Kirk House if there is a need for wheelchair access to the new exercise equipment.
14. Laptop 044/24: - The current laptop has become unreliable and needs replacing. A reconditioned laptop from Inkandtoner would be in the region of £250-£340 and we would need a Microsoft license of approximately £60 per annum.
It was decided to purchase a new model and PB to obtain information on best model and liaise with outside help to transfer information.
15. Correspondence: 045/24: - Right of way survey, Highways volunteer project. Section 16 flood data collection is due to take part on 17 July.
16. Items for next agenda: 046/24: - Village green boundary
17. To resolve to move into confidential session: 047/24: None
18. Confidential notes 048/24: None
19. Date and time of next meeting: 049/24: 16 September 2024
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 20.30.