January 2023 Minutes


Friday 20 January 2023

Present ; Cllr Drury (Chair), Cllrs Hayes and Unwin, 

In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Public Forum – One members of the public present

1. Chairperson's welcome: 122/22:  The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  


2. Apologies and reasons for absence:123/22: Cllrs Carrington, Kendrick and Clarke sent their apologies.


3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 124/22: None. 


4. Vacancy for Parish Councillor: 125/22: Patricia Darby had written to the clerk expressing an interest in filling the vacancy. It was unanimously agreed to co-opt her, and the clerk duly presented her with both forms to complete and a copy of NKDC Code of Conduct.


5. Notes of previous meeting held on 21 November 2022: 126//22:   These were proposed by SU and seconded by JH that the notes be accepted as a true record.  Signed by the Chairman.


6. Planning: 127/22:  Planning applications received include 22/1693/VARCON 21B Main St and 22/1691/LBC 21B Main St. No comments were forthcoming.

22/1472/FUL 21B Main St extension decision notice, 22/1378/FUL 2 Lincoln Rd decision notice.


7. Finance: 128/22:    The Clerk circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting


Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:

Rent £   25.00

Bank charges £    12.00

T Newton £  280.14

MalcFirth grass £  220.50

Clerk’s salary £  414.58

HMRC £  103.80

LALC £  147.47

H Carrington trees £    37.00


Since last meeting the following amounts have been received

Interest £    18.92


    The Bank Balance is currently £17657.09 after unpresented cheques cleared.


Due to confusion at HMRC the mandate adding the clerk GP Garton as a signatory as agreed at the last meeting was submitted by the clerk. However, the bank had rejected the form because the wrong form was supplied. A new form with all signatures plus G Garton as a new signatory was completed.


The budget and precept were discussed. It was unanimously agreed to submit a precept demand for £ 6700.


It was agreed that following accounts be paid.

H Carrington trees                        £ 37.00


A bank transfer form was also completed.


Action: Clerk to submit banking mandate and precept demand to NKDC


8. Regeneration of play areas: 129/22: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.

The clerk has contacted Kirk House manager concerning preferred equipment and the option of a grant. The manager was favourable and was going to investigate suitable equipment. The clerk suggested attending a meeting to discuss with councillors

The cost of purchasing 2 five-a-side goal post was in the region of £1000 plus delivery and installation. However, it was decided to re-erect the old posts with modifications but not a retaining wall as envisaged.

Action: DB to liaise with TW 


9. NKDC Tree Inspection: 130/22:  The tri-annual tree inspection has been completed and the report circulated. It was decided to obtain a quote initially from T Holmes.

HC has purchased 3 replacement trees which will be planted by BW including protection netting.


10. Hedges at 39 and 41 Main Street: 131/22- Clerk to write to both occupants asking for their attention.


11. Cross: 132/22: It was noticed there were cracks in the main body of the cross, which is the property of Historic England. Clerk to contact them to alert them of the damage



















12. Grass cutting:  133/22: The clerk has met with two interested contractors and had received a quote from one. However, we await a quote from our existing contractor.


13. Correspondence: 134/22:  LALC cost of living challenge, Police and Crime Commissioner survey, and LCC/NHS children and mental health


14. Items for next agenda: 135/22:  Story circle, coronation celebration grant.


15. To resolve to move into confidential session: 136/22:  


16. Confidential notes 137/22:  None


17. Date and time of next meeting: 138/22:  6 March 2022 

There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 20.20.