October 2023 extraordinary minutes
Tuesday 17 October 2023
Present; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Newton, Darby, Unwin and Hayes
There were no members of the public present
1. Chairperson's welcome: 065/23 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. In the absence of the clerk the chair took the minutes
2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 066/23: Cllrs Bell, Kendrick and Bailey sent their apologises.
3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 067/23: None.
4. Allotment: 068/23: Allotment adjacent to 6 Main Street. It was proposed by Cllr Darby and seconded by Cllr Newton and it was the unanimous decision to advise any prospective buyer they would need to be added to the waiting list for Parish Council allotments and therefore could not be automatically transferred to new tenants. Should the current owners of 6 Main Street sell their property it was felt that they should be responsible for erecting a partition fence from the allotment.
5. Banking: 069/23: All Cllrs agreed that the most appropriate bank account would be the Lloyds Bank Treasurers account.
There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 20.15.