December 2023 minutes


Monday 4 December 2023

Present ; Cllrs Drury (Chair), Cllrs Newton, Unwin, Jeram, Hayes and Bell

In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer.


Cllr Kendrick (LCC)

Public Forum – Cllr Kendrick went through B1188 speed limit signage, LCC flood meeting, devolution consultation, Lincoln castle tourism awards and policing initiative meeting at Sleaford.

JH raised forthcoming AW road closures and diversion of traffic down Fen Road with its deteriorating road surface.

BD raised flood caused by under-size culverts on riparian dykes.

JH raised non-response to pot hole fixmystreet report.

1. Chairperson's welcome: 070/23 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  


2. Apologies and reasons for absence: 071/23: Cllr Darby due to sickness which was accepted by the meeting. Cllr Bailey due to work commitments.


3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 072/23: None.


4. Notes of previous meeting held on 7 August 2023: 073/23:   These were proposed by TN and seconded by JH that the notes be accepted as a true record.  Signed by the Chairman.


5. Planning: 074/23: - 23/1416/FUL – Siting of caravan and ménage Fen Road. Concerns about flooding and waste disposal.

Action; Clerk to inform planning


6. Finance: 075/23:    The Clerk had circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting


Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:

NKDC election costs £     46.40

Clerk’s expenses £    103.47

Bank charges £     12.40

Hall rental £     50.00

Grass cutting £    356.28

Playsafe RoSPA £     94.20

HMRC £     90.60

Clerk’s quarterly salary £    362.78



Since last meeting the following amounts have been received:

Bank refund £     400.00

Infrastructure grant £    2028.37


    The Bank Balance is currently £20228.97 after unpresented cheques cleared.

On-line banking application has failed at Lloyds, but a second attempt has been completed and the papers were presented at the meeting and signed. It was unanimously decided to continue banking with HSBC


It was agreed that following accounts be paid.

Hall rental                         £   25.00


7. Regeneration of play areas: 076/23: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.

Story corner seating in hand. Posts to be erected by BD and PD and is currently in hand.

Play tunnel. 3m x 900mm drainage pipe is required and a slide on top of the mound. BD to inspect “redundant” culvert pipes. The estimated cost of the slide is £4894 (stainless steel) and £2849 (plastic tube) plus delivery and installation.

RoSPA report discussed and it was agreed to remove the wooden swings which is pending drier conditions.


8. Village green grass: 077/23: - The grass area isn’t cut to a sufficient standard and headland left untouched. Contractor to be informed.


9. Flooding: 078/23; - There is public concern regarding action taken regarding flooding. Leaves blocking road gutters was also identified. It was agreed to consider undertaking a clearing session next Autumn.


10. Allotment: 079/23: - The fence and rental of the allotment no’s 1 and 4, adjacent to 4 Main Street. It was proposed by TN and seconded by SU that the rental ceases and a letter sent to Mr and Mrs Atkin accordingly. It was unanimously agreed. 

It was proposed by DJ and seconded by TN that the rental of allotment no 2 to Mr Ledua would cease and a letter sent accordingly.  Unanimously agreed.

Post meeting note, the rental agreement stipulates 12 months’ notice from 25 March so this will be ratified at next meeting


11. B1188 40mph speed limit 080/23: - Cllr Kendrick reported that the speed limit installation is currently with the contractors but delayed due to recent flooding concerns. 


12. Benches at Dixon Avenue 081/23: - One of the benches has a broken slat and although these two benches aren’t on our asset register, they appear to be parish council responsibility. The broken slat will be replaced once a slat has been acquired.

Action: BD to procure hardwood slat



13. Trees 082/23: - No action.


14. Ducks on Highway 083/23: - Discussed a 20mph speed limit around pond area and the erection of beware duck signs. Siting of signs would be problematic.

Action: Clerk to approach highways for sign provision.


15. web address 084/23: - We currently have a web address for our web site and a parish council web address which is probably enough but clerk to keep under review.


16. Correspondence: 085/23: LCC road closure for Main Street notification. New defibrillator pads have been supplied by Community Heartbeat to be fitted by JH

Action: JH to fit replacement pads and resolve kiosk lighting


17. Items for next agenda: 086/23: Newsletter (PD), swing/slide replacement. Allotments. Abandoned car on Main St.


18. To resolve to move into confidential session: 087/23:  One item to discuss


19. Confidential notes 088/23:  Clerk’s annual salary review


20. Date and time of next meeting: 089/32: Next meeting precept 29 January 2024 at 7.00. or earlier if necessary.


 There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 22.40.