March 2023 Minutes


Monday 6 March 2023

Present ; Cllr Drury (Chair), Cllrs Hayes, Newton, Young, Carrington and Darby, 

In Attendance: Gerald Garton, Clerk and Proper Officer.

Public Forum – No members of the public present

1. Chairperson's welcome: 139/22 The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.  


2. Apologies and reasons for absence:140/22: Cllrs Unwin (illness) sent his apologies.


3. Declarations of interest in agenda items: 141/22: None.


4. Notes of previous meeting held on 20 January 2023: 142/22:   These were proposed by DD and seconded by JH that the notes be accepted as a true record.  Signed by the Chairman.


5. Planning: 143/22:  22/1472/FUL 21B Main St extension, 22/1378/FUL 2 Lincoln Rd, 22/1693/VARCON 21B Main St and 22/1692/LBC 21B Main St decision notices.


6. Finance: 144/22:    The Clerk had circulated the reconciliation prior to the meeting


Since last meeting the following amounts have been paid:

Clerk’s expenses £  196.17  incl anti-virus software

Bank charges £    5.80

LALC £  147.47

Hall rental £   25.00

H Carrington trees £   37.00


    The Bank Balance is currently £17245.65 after unpresented cheques cleared.


The mandate adding the clerk GP Garton as a signatory as agreed at the last meeting was submitted by the clerk. However, the bank had yet to respond.


The PCC have submitted a grant application. After discussion it was agreed to make a grant of £600. To be paid during 2023/24


The awarding of a grant to village organisations for coronation celebrations was discussed and it was agreed not to give any grant.


The clerk informed the meeting that our payroll contract was increasing from £67.20 to £73.92


It was agreed that following accounts be paid.

Hall rental                     £ 25.00


A transfer request form was signed.



The WMS contract with LALC is due to renewal. After discussion it was agreed to contract for 5 hours per year.




7. Regeneration of play areas: 145/22: – Playground equipment monthly inspection has been carried out by TN.

Story corner: Discussed. Firstly, there is a need to source suitable wood (2.5 feet long x 10/12no) for seating. The preferred location is in the area beyond Tom’s Garden.

Replacement trees plus protection to be planted near allotments.

The re-erect the old post with modifications has yet to be completed but is on-going.

Action: Story Corner to be decided at next meeting. HC, TN and BD to plan trees


8. NKDC Tree Inspection: 146/22:  The chairman and the clerk conducted a site visit with a J. Holmes tree surgeon and received a quote for £2700.00. The quote was accepted.


9. Parish Council Election 147/22: The clerk distributed the election packs and went through the submission timetable. The timing of the next meeting was discussed depending on a contested or non-contested election


10. Hedges at 39 and 41 Main Street: 148/22- No further action.


11. B1188 Speed Limit 149/22: The consultation by LCC for a 40mph speed limit is now out for consultation.


12. Speedwell Solar Farm 150/22: This development partially in an adjoining parish is currently out for public consultation.


13. Cross: 151/22: Historic England have been contacted by the clerk and they have responded that they are not responsible for its repair. They suggest we contact NKDC conservation office with regards any repairs deemed necessary, for which planning consent will be required. The clerk has spoken to a historic monument contractor but had no response. It was agreed to defer for now.


14. Grass cutting:  152/22: We await a quote from our existing contractor.


15. Correspondence: 153/22: Police news letter, Zurich Insurance re coronation celebrations.


16. Items for next agenda: 154/22:  Bus shelter on Lincoln journey side, tunnel on playing field, grass cutting contract.


17. To resolve to move into confidential session: 155/22:  None


18. Confidential notes 156/22:  None


19. Date and time of next meeting: 157/22:  Monday 15th May - Annual Meeting of The Parish Council followed by an Annual Meeting of the Parish. Next full meeting 5 June.


 There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 21.00.